yea i need help aswell about this website, how do u know when someone has replied without refreshing the web page??????????????????????????
hey logic45:i dont know about your question but theres someone called "the return" we would definatly know!
ya i have a question can i go on halo 2 live with my xecuter 3CE modchip and not get banned but still be abble to use my modded maps?
are you sure ive seen one of my friends play the modded maps without being banned. i think theirs a trick to doing thogh ll ask him later today how to and get back to you guys
M$ will have clocked can play in the custom games with modded maps, but not any rateable ones.. M$ do the banning every so often when they get round to it..If he had a chip on when he was there the clock is ticking...And lots of softmod people get banned too, just depends what they try to do...infinite lives gets you banned as do custom weapons..just takes a week or two sometimes Just for logic45...hey dude if you want to play games with your own modded maps you need to host the many xbox units do you have...40 players = 10 xboxes He was probably on xboxconnect where all the banned cheaters play.. I don't bother with live.. I'd rather play against my friends on my own host..We play anything we want, with our own rules that we decide...much better..I host on a private lan link with up to 24 players.. [sarcasm] 2 1/2 days and counting......How does he do it?..I'm still dying of the anticipation...[/sarcasm]... I don't care ..It keeps my posts on the rise...
logic45: I'd pickup the halo2 hacks and glitches book. Apparently there is alot of useful information in there on hacking up and modding halo2