I have aquired a version 1.6b with an X3,but things aren't as great as it should be. You see,the person that had this machine before must have done something wrong while flashing. I have checked all the solder points and they are damn near perfect....so that is not the problem. I'll tell ya what happens though. When you boot up by holding the power for a second,it boots to the MS dash...so the hard drive isn't bunk yet. When you try to boot to the bios,you get a black screen...I know that that is bad. Another thing,when you are on the MS dash you are able to play CD's,which is normal....but when you try to play a store bought game (original) it come up with a sevice notice. Being a TSOP guy,I'm not to keen on the chips....but it sounds to me that the chip might have been flashed with the wrong bios. I have tried to use almost every setting that I can,but no bios can be found to boot to so far. It's almost like the chip was wiped out. If anyone has any ideas,that would be great.