I need to move files from one xbox to another I've used xb-ftp in the past but i've forgotten how to set up a new server. After selecting add server a type pad comes up but I dont know what info it's asking for there are 5 menus does any one know what each menu needs ie(name-ip-port-password-user name)
Name- this is just the name you want to give to the server your about to set up (ie your 2nd xbox) IP- This is the IP of the 2nd xbox. make sure it is different than the first xbox. Port- This should stay at 21, or if it is not there make it 21 Password- this should be xbox User Name- should be xbox as well hope this could help!
I know what to enter in for each menu I was tring to determin the order in which to enter them. I got it know when you edit an existing server the menues are labled chanjge IP, Change username, and so on. Thanks any how.