I think I'm gonna have to wait until the rush dies down a bit. I want the complete T3CH release, so it's a bit irritating when all I see are the slim and normal releases, even on torrents -_-
Managed to find the one I wanted on Mininova. Can't wait to load it on my Xbox Edit: Finally loaded it. I did a clean install rather than copying over my userdata folder... which proved to be quite troublesome since I can't seem to get it back to how I had it before XD. Guess I'll get around to it some other time when I'm not so sleepy.
The old script just stopped working. Guess Apple changed something about their website that's incompatible with the script. A new script has been implemented, but it just hangs whenever I try to use it.
I have alot of scripts like you tube, xbox tv, tv.com and a bunch of others and they see to dont wana work it will say running and stop or it would say installing and go no where else what should i do about theses scripts?
i just upgraded to 2.1 yesterday and ive been trying to get some scripts but i press a twice and it contacts the site and says its installing 4 a hours is that normal