I have an xbox and i would like to softmod the machine. I've been reading alot and it says i can use XBMC so run the games from the xbox hard drive. I would have to transfer the games using ftp. As i'm understanding all this can be done without a mod chip. Can some one please lead me in the right direction on how to install,configure and run XBMC on the xbox? Also, what version do i need of xbmc? If there is a guide to the XBMC can you tell me the link. I have the ftp setup already. Please help me or correct me if i'm wrong. Thank You
You don't need a modchip or XBMC to put games on your harddrive. Just Evox or UnleashX would work nicely. Just FTP your game into the E:/Games folder. Then restart your Xbox and they will be in the games folder.
How do i get EvoX installed on the xbox? Where would be the best place to get EvoX other than google?
Well you install it with a softmod. Like by using itools, SID, ect. There are plenty of linux files to choose from. There is a tutorial at the top of the Xbox Software section that teachs you how to mod and install a new dashboard. You might want to check that out. If you still need help let me know.
hi, ive got a bit of a problem with XBMC. right, ive send sleepless nites work out how the ftp from a pc to a xbox dashboard (evox) and ive got that to work and im happy with that(i can tranfer stuff as well). now heres the problem, when i open up XBMC and put in the same ip addys and ever thing else that i had on the dashboard set up, but it say it cant connect (using FlashFXP) [R]connecting to> IP= PORT =21 (attempt #1) [R]connected to [R]connection failed (Connection lost) wat does it mean and could anyone help me with it. email me or post back on this forum liquidchild101@hotmail.com
I don't understand what you are trying to do. It seems like you said you are trying to ftp to your XBMC. Is that true? PS. Remove your email before you get banned.
this is exactly how you should set up the network to ftp your xbox make sure crossover cable is NOT connected IN XBOX NETWORK assignment: manual (static) ip address: netmask: default gateway: dns server: after that is complete, do not forget to SAVE before you exit the network screen, TURN OFF YOUR XBOX ON YOUR COMPUTER go to local area connection, right click, properties click on internet protocol tcp/ip, properties click "use the following ip address" ip address: subnet mask: click OK, click CLOSE connect crossover cable from xbox to computer TURN ON XBOX open flashfxp, quick connect, server or url: user name: xbox password: xbox CONNECT if you did everthing EXACTLY the way told it should work.
[bold]Another Way to FTP[/bold] Well the way I FTP is I connect my computer and my Xbox to the same router with ethernet cables. Then I open up Internet Explorer. You then type ftp:// Then your IP address so mine would be and then an error message pops up after you click return. Then just close the error message. Then go to "File" "Login as..." and user name and password are both xbox. Then it will connect to your Xbox and you can search through your Xbox's files. Make sure that you are on your modded dashboard this whole time. I didn't see that tooxfly had already told you how to ftp so I just put up another way how.