Okay, I installed xbmc on my xbox not as the dashboard just the program.My songs all have names and albums have names in my executer2 dashboard. When i go to xbmc the songs and album names are all in letters and numbers like this for example: folders=(001f, 001e, 001d, 001c ) songs inside folders=(00080073.wma). I don't know how to get the titles back i imagine it involves editing a file i dont know which one and also how to do it. If anyone can help that would be great. Thanks
if i remember correctly xbmc has a built in decoder for those file names. The way you want to do it is go into the music section and switch to the file view. Then scroll down to MS Soundtracks. there it will decode the file names for you. -Aristotle-
There was no MS Soundtracks however I added it by editing the xbmc.xml and inserted this: <bookmark> <name>MS Soundtracks</name> <path>e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\</path> </bookmark> but now all it has done is created a bookmark to my music files under the name MS Soundtracks, the names still aren't showing up just the letters and numbers for names of songs and albums.