XBMC Connection Issues

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Psykotron, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. Psykotron

    Psykotron Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I really hate to make this my first post, but I need some help.

    I have a modded Xbox with XBMC connected to my PCs NIC card via crossover cable. My computer is connected to the Internet with an Ethernet cable to the wall.

    I've searched these forums and have only seen guys who connect their Xbox with a crossover cable, but their PCs are wireless.

    Now, I'm wondering whether or not with my current setup, if I can get Avalaunch and/or XBMC to connect to the internet.

    I can FTP to my Xbox just fine with no problem, but I cant get my Xbox to get through to the internet.

    Help would be much appreciated.
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

  3. Psykotron

    Psykotron Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Sweet. Thanks. I got that problem fixed. Now I have another one.

    I got internet on my Xbox just fine and dandy, now I cant use the feature I wanted most; Xlink Kai.

    I can connect to it, see the arenas and members etc. I can join a game, but once it boots the game, I cant see the game on System Link. Almost everybody I've seen who has this problem, the answer has always been port forwarding or firewall. Now. I have neither a firewall on my computer, or any closed ports. I can get torrents to work, I can get Xbconnect to work, and everything else that requires open ports.

    Im beggining to wonder if my problem is because of the XBMC version... The one Im using now is the CVS 7/03/06 version. Im gonna try updating to the CVS 7/09/06 version to see what happens...

    EDIT: Crap... I guess I mustve touched something after I got it to work cause now my Xbox gets no internet. I have ICS on my regular LAN. Now for my Xbox, is it supposed to be static or DHCP? Also, on the crossovers properties, should the IP be detected automatically or should it be

    Haha... So many questions...
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2006
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    on the xbox set the ip to static and make it something like
  5. Psykotron

    Psykotron Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Ok. I got my Xbox to have the IP. But still no internet.

    Do the Gateway and DNS IPs matter?

    What is my Xbox's IP supposed to be on the computer?

    I will keep on trying to mess around here and will update if I get it to work.
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    on the crossover propteties set them to automatic....
  7. Psykotron

    Psykotron Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Hmmm... That didnt work. But I still got it fixed. I just set all the dashboards I had to DHCP and it worked. Although Xlink Kai doesnt connect at all, I know for a fact that it is the version. Ill just wait till a new one comes ot.
  8. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    You need to forward 30000 UDP and bind your PC's IP address. Goto Network connection right click on your gateway icon, goto properties you will get a popup that will let your forward that port. You will also need to enter the same in Start Kai Config
  9. Psykotron

    Psykotron Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Is 30000 the only port Kai can run on?

    Cause Im pretty sure 30000 is one of the few ports I cant open up.

    EDIT: Oohh wait idea. Is there anyway I can change the IP that Kai reads to connect to the PC?
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2006

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