XBMC - Couple questions, Specifically FTP

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by JTG2003, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. JTG2003

    JTG2003 Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Ok, my friend just brought up his modded XBox and we wanna turn it into an XBOX Media Center.

    He already obtained whatever software it is we need for this, our problem is transferring the stuff over to the XBox. I don't quite know what mod chip he has, but I do know that to start it you need to hold the button until the glowing circle turns orange. Then when it's loading it says "X-Disc" I believe to show its working.

    I have read several tutorials, none went in-depth. They all said "Ok, now transfer your files over VIA FTP. Then, bla bla bla...".

    We have a router so we plugged both into it (although there was no internet connection, does there have to be? Don't really have one available ...). The xbox obtained the IP of and the PC received . We loaded up a FTP client on the PC (Flash) and for the host IP we used (port:21). Upon attempting to connect, it was unable. I used the username/pass xbox/xbox with still nothing.

    One tutorial said I needed to set up the xbox to allow connections from the PC's ip address. Where would you set this up?

    Are you supposed to be at any specific menu when you try to establish the FTP connection?

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you, Jeremy
  2. JTG2003

    JTG2003 Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    One more thing (it seems I cant edit my previous post to add it),

    If I install XBMC as an application, I will not lose the factory XBOX functions, will I? (playing standard xbox games, etc)
  3. jgdrag

    jgdrag Guest

    If your router is a Linksys. I believe you need to open both ports 20 and 21 in the Linksys port forward settings
  4. JTG2003

    JTG2003 Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Posted this a while ago, got it resolved since. Was using the wrong IP

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