Hello people! I managed to hardware-mod my 1.6 xbox, EVOX dashboard was installed without any problems, meaning, FTP is working as expected. I decided to have a shot to XBMC, i got this version from 29 march 2006, it is a 74mb folder when uncompressed. EVOX shows the XBMC under Apps launch menu. I hear the welcome sound, i see the menus, my program, my music etc. IT IS POSSIBLE to select any of the menus, I heard the sound when going the through them (but no highlighted menu)... The program seems to work, but i only get black background and white letters, nothing else... the xbmc.log showed that a bunch of files could not be loaded. ERROR Texture Manager unable to load file Q:\skin\Project Mayhem III\media\pointer-nfocus.png that was only one of the errors, the rests are the same, for different png or gif... are those png created when loading the program? or can i get them from somewhere, so far i havent found it... thanks the help! yavimaya
You can get xbmc scripts from.. http://www.psikic.com Most tested and working..you seem to have a faulty widescreen skin, some are a bit dodgy but the project mayhem seem to work ok for me.. Have a look at the skin.xml file and see what backgrounds it's trying to load..probably some error in there..wrong file name or a comma instead of a stop..something stupid like that.. Check that the files listed are actually existing on the machine where they should be..otherwise just download another media center complete..That's probably easier than trying to fix it..Q:\ is a virtual drive, I don't know how to access it without the MC running, maybe theres something wrong with the way the drive is setting up?? Dunno really...xbox360hackers installer disk has a great working xbmc on it..slayers 2.6 Media Center is faulty
ok it sounds to me like ur skin file is bad because i had the same problem as u, this is how i fixed it.... Delete the XBMC program on your xbox's harddrive Download a fresh copy of XBMC from the usual place Reinstall the fresh copy of XBMC to your xbox's harddrive It worked for me, hope it works for you (i can supply u with instructions via PM if u need a place to download a good copy of XBMC (i downloaded it from this place and it works))
I get a weird bug with mine.. It works fine for a few days then the x button function goes mad, can't get back to the settings with whatever film running to change the screen settings, it just bsod's instead..re-install again and everything is fine for a few days...any thoughts?
OK guys, i solved thanks for the suggestion. Here is what happened.... I downloaded the newest media center, and it worked perfect... what i realized is that I unzipped the old media center with ultimate zip, which apparently sucks compared to winrar or winace.. the media folder was complete when unzipping with winace rather than with ultimate zip.. Interesting... With the newest media center i unzipped with winace straight away, and now it is working as a charm thanks guys yavimaya
Cheers Spyder..just thought you might have had some ideas..Apart from that it works fine..The next step is to save all the xml files and then re-install and check what's changing...nobody else has ever seen it either, not even the xbmc people, so I would like to find out what's happening..It's just a strange one...I don't want a different version I like the look and usage of this one.. It's got all the codecs in and plays things my pc won't..
Spyder22 is actually my big bro.....he loged in and didnt log out and I accidently used his account to post that reply that said i cant help u...(if that makes sence to u guys) SORRY BOUT THAT