2 days ago i could download content from xbmcscripts.com perfectly, now i only get the message "An error ocurred while unzipping. Corrupt file or not a zip file.", also the download progress bar only gets about 10% and then it just says installing. My xbmc network settings can't be wrong because i haven't changed them, but i downloaded a stupid internet speed boost program which only made my internet connection slower, but i think it could've changed some settings, though i checked and everything was the same, it's not working. My PC is working perfect, only xbmc is troubling me. Also, how do i install scripts via FTP?
The script installer is damaged! Mine was the same. Download it from the website and just delete the Old one via FTP, and then replace the space with the new one!
solve, the problem was my pc settings, didn't setup my internet connection to be shared now that i can use it, it's awesome
do you know why can't i play vid's from any site, could it be my extremely low 128kb/s internet connection, i can't download videos from youtbue nor ooga nor nothing?
i have pretty much the same problem. the youtubte script will search and find them, but when i click to play them,it freezes up and doesnt play them.
Ok, I have a hard modded xbox running EVOX 3935 i believe, w/e the latest version is and Everything connects through ftp fine. My first problem is; None of my scripts that require internet access work. My Computer setup is Modem to 2 desktops and a laptop. That main internet that goes to one desktop then splits into a switch which runs this current pc and my xbox. What I need to know is how to config my xbox in xbbmc to run scripts w/o errors, and other various problems. 2nd problem. When I boot my xbox, it doesn't boot to a dash it boots to a X3 Live screen, and i then proceed to click Jump to dash, and it takes me to EVOX, is ther a way that i can change the settings to where it just boot it up and it goes straight to evox, any help would be extremely greatful