ok i have been reading so much and i cant find a easy xbmc i want to just FTP a folder straight into my Apps folder but i am having hell finding it.I dont know why but if someone has it (Im assuming all of you hardmodders have it)could it be sent to me or is it too big please help me. THANX!
Honestly XBMC is the best, and instead of making it an app. I would use it as a perm dashnboard.. All you need is "DvD2Xbox" and XBMC.. and to find it. Not allowed to say and you really shouldn't ask for files, or location of files you might get banned. Btw not flaming yuo or nothing.. just honestly. go to "aol.com" and use thier search page.
OK Thanx I Shouldo of though about the ban thing but ok xbmc is what i finnally found and it seems like itll be the best I couldnt run it as an app because it just froze.Is It because im useing a soft mod?i have a feeling thats why. Ill Be really dissapointed If I cant Get One for a softmodd ill be very dissapointed. anything u guys can find id appreciate it.I wont ask for anymore files