I was trying to load a game whilst in XBMC but selected the wrong thing which then updated XBox live. When I switched the xbox back on it loaded with the MS dash. Im trying to softmod again and have tryed with Splinter Cell but once I click on Checkpoints the screen just goes white and restarts the game again. Any suggestions?? Am I not supposed to softmod again like this am I doing something wrong??
you copied the savegame and sid installer to the harddrive i assume? it should work, you should be able to softmod again. if you backed up your eeprom you can always rebuild your harddrive with xbox hdmaker (and include evox / avalauch / xbmc). then you do not need to softmod it with a game. some say hotswapping works, but use it as a last resort (for me it didn't work and i got an error 5)