I have a question. I have the action replay for xbox 1 and i was wondering are there other sites for xbox 1 gamesaves because the action replay is so limited on saves half of the games I own are not even on there i heard about xplorer xport that comes with the 360 kit and lets you transfer saves to the xbox 1 memory card with the usb adapter that is included. Are there any other save locations.
Looks like all the save sites have gone.. I can't find any left... M$ took down xboxsaves.com and the others x-b-o-x.net and friends seem to have closed up shop. Out of luck I think.
You could try downloading save files off GameFaqs(dot)com and copy those to your xbox however you choose to do so. I downloaded a couple Fable: The Lost Chapters save files from there a couple weeks ago and they worked like a charm.
Cool I went to Gamefaqs and downloaded all of there action replay saves and copied them to my xbox thanks for the suggestion.