I am trying to fix a friends XBOX (1st, not 360) and it loads to the service error screen. I found out that it might be due to locking the HD, but how do I get the IP Address for it, if I can't get to the dash? This is the error: 16 - dashboard - Other files to do with dashboard / dashboard settings (specific dashboard error) P.S. There is NO modchip installed Ok, I Put the hd in my moded xbox, and now I am getting error code 6: cannot unlock hard drive? Also, when I get the ervice error code 16, I cannot boot any discs, so I can't boot slayer discs.
Thanks for the link, but how do I put the original dashboard back on it? That is all I am looking for. Because I can't access it. I can't laod any discs, or the dashboard.
His hdd is locked to his xbox eeprom. You cannot just put his hdd in your xbox and expect it to work. If you dont have the eeprom you might have to build a eeprom reader, get the eeprom so you can unlock the hdd. Copy your C: root from your modded xbox to your pc and build him a new one.
Here is a pretty detailed page on the whole process. http://www.llamma.com/xbox/Repairs/Reading_Xbox_Hdd_key.htm
Well, thanks everyone for your help. I will try the hot swapping thing asap. I can't do much with my computer, eventhough it is TOP OF THE LINE, I can't do much with only one IDE port. LOL, so I have to borrow my parents computer. How do I know which one is the primary master, and which one is the secondary?
ok. So. I tried hooking up the xbox, but when I go to type "XBOXHD" it says that I need to switch to primary master, then reboot. I don't get it? I wish some one would do a write up with picutes and step by step pictures.
You dont need ftp access to mod it. You need to find all the software and files you need to mod it. Basically it consists downloading the exploit of your choice, having the action replay software, a memory card, (you can make a usb flash drive work also if you dont have an xbox memory card) that is basically all. Read through some tutorials for a more detailed explanation.
Thanks. I figured it out. I ftp'ed to my modded xbox, copied all the files I needed, then copied them to the memory card. The copied that to the unmodded xbox, installed them, and BOB'S YOUR UNCLE!!!