xbox backup "help a father out"

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by scoooter, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. scoooter

    scoooter Guest

    first off, hello to everyone , I am new to this site and have been looking for answers in every website known to man. Well almost everyone, My children have a modded xbox executer2, big harddrive. Alright to my question, the children tear up games like madmen, I want to backup there exsiting games so i do not have to pay $50 for the same game. I have no problem ftping into the xbox, I also have no problem getting the game off the D drive to my computer "So far so good" I have followed the tutorial for using qwix to a tee. but when i burn the iso file to a dvd, the game does not work in the xbox. I noticed on the tutorials that the iso file looks like a disc and says xbox.iso. Mine does also but, mine looks like a piece of paper with a disc in the middle is that the same as the disk picture. also I am using a BenQ DVD-R, so does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this little problem of mine I would appreciate the help immensly. Thank you , Scooter
    P.S I have tried burnt games in the xbox before and they do work. P.S.S I know the dashboard is evox and if there is anything I missed out please contact me and i will let you know the rest of the details
  2. modster

    modster Regular member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    try using Nero and burn the iso at the slowest speed.

  3. LoveHack

    LoveHack Guest

    the programs i use to make an xiso and to burn them are c-xbox tool and nero (when you d/l it, make sure you get nero 6 ultra edition, as that will have all the burning apps you could possibly need...for the most part at least. xbox tool might not be the best, but it works for me. you can find it on mIRC or limewire. i know nero is on limewire, but not sure about mIRC. (pretty much any p2p program, but i like limewire the best). ok, so after you have those 2 programs and the xbox game files on your comp (make sure they are all in their own little folder) open xbox tool and click on the 'ISO Creation' (left) and then 'Add Folder' (bottom). the source folder will be the one with the game files, and the target folder will be where you want the xISO to go (in a place thats easy for you to remember and get to of course).

    once that is finished, close xbox tool and open Nero Burning Rom. close the 'new compilation' window, and click on 'recorder' and then click on 'burn image'. in the window that pops up, browse for your xISO and click open. when the 'burn compilation' window appears, make sure it is set on DVD (on the left), you haev the options 'write' and 'finalize' checked, and the speed is set to its lowest (for best results)then click burn.

    as far as your 'BenQ' goes, i have found that every DVD+R that i have tried, works (that will be sony, phillips-2 different kinds, memorex, and even some janky brand that came from that had no label and cost $26 for 100.) also, im not sure on this one, but i read somewhere that DVD-R's have to be formatted before use, and DVD+R's do not. i know +R's dont because i never format mine. my +R's.

    i hope this helped.
  4. scoooter

    scoooter Guest

    Thank you modster and lovehack, I use nero (Ver.6.0) and also burn at very slow speeds. What this boils down to is that it might be a dvd type problem. I will take into consideration the use of another program to get .iso . Please keep the responses coming P.S I have used mirc before, like i said i have done some research on this subject Thank you for your support, Scooter
  5. modster

    modster Regular member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    I always have good luck with verbatim DVD -R media. 10 out of 10 DVD worked for me. They are on sale at best buy right now for $17 for 50 DVDs

  6. scoooter

    scoooter Guest

    Thanks modster, I will try that today and keep you updated.
  7. berty642

    berty642 Regular member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    I have burnt all my backed up xbox games using dvd decrypter without any problems.
  8. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    I agree with dvd decrypter,also alcohol 120% works good too. Mainly because Nero only has an 80MB buffer where-as alcohol 120% has a 128MB buffer. Less chance for errors....dvd decrypter on the other hand is great because it's simple,dependable and free. I think the link is somewhere on this site....either way it was probably the type of dvd's you were using.

  9. scoooter

    scoooter Guest

    Hello its me again, would just like to thank everyone for helping me out. This is how I got It to work, I used flash fxp, Qwix, and also used DVD Decrypter to burn the dvd's. I also used Memorex DVD-R's. Once again I would like to thank everyone for helping me, and to say that I put posts on other sites but this is the only sight that responded so Thank you, Scooter P.S If I can help anyone else out on my method please let me know
  10. berty642

    berty642 Regular member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    Hi Scooter
    Glad everything is working out ok! any more problems give a shout back
  11. semtexkid

    semtexkid Member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    what dvd/r disks do you use you.?
  12. scoooter

    scoooter Guest

    Memorex DVD-R 16x 4.7GB 120 min video
  13. scoooter

    scoooter Guest

    Hello its me again, What do i have to do to stop the burnt games from being jerky. Im using the memorex dvds Qwix, DVD Decrypter, Flash fxp,. Certain games that i have burnt are very slow loading and have a jerky feel to them.
  14. berty642

    berty642 Regular member

    Mar 26, 2005
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  15. scoooter

    scoooter Guest

    Hello again, I switched over to Verbatim dvd's and I am still having the jerky problems with the games. Can anyone help me out please, Scooter
  16. Ichijoe

    Ichijoe Regular member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I see alot of People going on about there favorite Burning Porgrams here. But what I ~fail~ to see is where does he (The OP), get a Copy of his Discs to burn in the first place. Or indeed how he could rip those Games straight to the XBOX™.

    If you have an Moded XBOX™, it's also likely that you also have a 3'ed Party Dash, (i.e. Avalaunch or XBMC), in which you could launch other Applications. Such as BoxPlorer or DVD2XBOX to rip your Game(s) to that large HDD in the XBOX™. After all that's what it's there for! Once you have riped the Game Disc(s) to the XBOX™ you should be able to launch 'em though that 3'ed Praty Dashboard.

    If you're looking to make DVD Backups of your Game(S), then you should know that Microsoft uses a propriotary File Format I forget the Name now. Sufficed to say that it'll be next to impossible to take a XBOX™ Game Disc and rip / copy it though your Computer.

    Others here may have a different oppinion then mine. But, if I need to / want to burn DVD's I find useing Quix! and Avalaunch work the best for me! Note: You'll need to be able to establish a FTP Connection to the XBOX™ to do this.

    Quix! Will read out the Game Disc and then write itself out as a burnable *.iso File.

    And that's where everyone else here seems to have steped in. I don't see (or feel), the need to rehash the fact that you should already have the lattest version of Nero installed, Use very, VERY GOOD MEDIA! not some cheap crap for (i.e. Prikos), But that's another debate! And that you should burn at the slowest speeds possible (or untill you satisfide that you can burn at faster speeds without errors.
  17. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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  18. berty642

    berty642 Regular member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    If you are having no joy using qwix, try craxtion 4 its free and easy to use. Its worth a try before you think about changing hardware.
  19. Ichijoe

    Ichijoe Regular member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Stupid question. When you try to play these 'Games' is your Installed Modchip active? (i.e. On),?!?

    It should come as no suprise to anyone here, but, Retail Firmware on the XBOX™ requires all Code to be signed my Microsoft, in order for it to run. This goes for 3'erd Party Dashboards & Apps too...

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