xbox c and e drive.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by ylafont, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. ylafont

    ylafont Guest

    i had to replace the mother board (don't ask) on the xbox, and now it will not boot since the hard drive is locked. Are the c and e drive available somewhere out there tha will allow me to rebuild a new drive?

    Just hoping.
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    do you have a chip in it. If so you can use a program like
    Slayer 2.6. it will format the drive and install
    everything you could need. But i think you have to have
    a chip to use it, but i am not 100% sure about that.
    I know that is what i used when i installed a new HDD
    but i have a chip.
  3. ylafont

    ylafont Guest

    The chip is installed but i dont know if it works. I get the xbox logo and then I automatically get the error service needed, contact support. I will give it a try, any other recommendations?
  4. aodark

    aodark Member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    The reason you are getting an error screen is because that hard drive you have now is locked and will only work in your dead motherboard. go buy a new hard drive and install it and then try slayers again and you will be good to go.

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2005
  5. ylafont

    ylafont Guest

    I dont have Slayer Were can i get it. I have check the net and their offical page wihtou success. where can I get it from?
  6. ylafont

    ylafont Guest

    I think i just figure it out. I was able to find a site that gave the .torrent file. I'm downloadding now. will try this as soon as it is complete.
  7. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Slayer 2.6 is great. It will format the HDD and install
    anything you could need. folders,apps,4 dashboards,
    emulators & roms. you will be set.

    here is a good guide for how to use it. follow it closely so
    you do not mess up and have to redo it like i did by copying
    stuff to the wrong folders.
    just skip the installing the HDD part if you are not doing that
    and move down to the Slayer stuff.
    install the EvoX on the C:
    then go back and use the install for the XBMC and other apps and install them on the F:
    I am pretty sure that is how i did it.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2005
  8. Ichijoe

    Ichijoe Regular member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Ughhh hate to break it to you all....

    But, unless the HDD in question is Unlocked, Slayers et-al, will be of absolutly no use to you! =(

    If your lucky enough to have the information avalible to unlock your Drive, (e.g. the HDD-Key i.e. the 20bit One!),. Then you might be able to boot something like Configmagic ~from a Slayers CD~, and unlock your HDD with that.

    Other then that your HDD is for all in-tents-and-purpose DEAD!!! As the whole point of locking the HDD was to prevent unauthorized ATA access, to the Drive. Say by trying to connect the 'Drve' in question to a PC for ex.

    I don't knpw much about it, but I remember reading (on XBMC), that had a news byte about a new method to unlock, locked HDDs'. The snag?!? It's a Pay Service. =(
  9. ylafont

    ylafont Guest

    I don't mind replacing the hard, I just want to know that i can get this box up and working again. I mistakenly allowed my little brother to do the research on what needs to be done. I didn't knwo we had to back this thin up and get the hardrive password before we fried the motherboard.

    We will be trying the over the weekend. on the orginal drive and on a new one if we have to. thanks for you advice, it realy helps.
  10. Ichijoe

    Ichijoe Regular member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Well if this was the 'Stock' 8~10 Gib HDD, that the XBOX™ normaly ships with. Then I wouldn't sweat it, beleave me when I tell you it was probably the best thing that could have happend. No not killing the Mainboard, but the HDD, that is.

    The only way to truly unlock the potental of your XBOX™ is to replace that crummy 8~10 Gib HDD with somthing along the 160~400 Gib line.
  11. ylafont

    ylafont Guest

    OK, i still me be doing somehting wrong, I burn two copies of slayer on two diffrent cd types. I Don't think the xbox tried to boot up fromt he cd since I immediatly went to the error six screen with the orinal hardrive. once I change the hard drive it whent to and erro nine.

    The readme file says to just keep trying to boot, But how many times. i tried about twenty times with both cd's. do you have any other recommendations?
  12. Ichijoe

    Ichijoe Regular member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Do you even have a Chip? I could be worng here (allthough I know that I'm not!!), that you need to have a Chip installed in order to boot a CD\DVD on a XBOX™. Since this all sopposidly happend on a Softmoded XBOX™. It would be safe to assume that you don't have a Chip. Thuss you have no means to run unsigned Code form the DVD-ROM Drive...
  13. ylafont

    ylafont Guest

    Evox chip is installed.

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