Does the Xbox have any decent MAME or GBA emulators? If so, can some1 point me in the right direction to find them? I have experience with ps2 emulators...and well...they all kinda suck LOL. I was just wondering becuase Id like to try them out if they are of better quality than those found on the PS2. i have an executer 2 chip in my Xbox as well as 100GB HDD if that is of an help(I am a complete n00b with Xbox) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
for mame u want mameox. or mamex your choise maybe even both! .... as for the gba i suggest xboyadvance it works very very VERY good. (with most games)
What about the daphne emm.? I have a soft spot for old school laser disk games like dragon's lair and space ace!!!!
Does mamox or mamex play games from the 90's (Marvel vs. capcom) or it just crappy games form the 80s like the ps2 mame emulator??
D'ya know I think the only place you are gonna find the answer to that is in the emulator documentation or on it's home these things are usually made with the xdk most places won't even put up with discussions about them...check out the site you downloaded it from..
systang) it plays marvel vs. capcom. chipmasta) do u mean roms for them if so just google them. lastly ive never heard of daphne...sorry