I have a version 1.0 xbox that I just bought a new power supply for that has evolution on it with all the system emulators and such, but the Snes emulator was going black, and now says there are no roms, and in E:, there is no xsnesx.ini file, how would I go about fixing this so I may actually be able to use the roms, and also is there a way to fix it so that I can tell which MAME roms work, or atleast make the probability of success higher?
is the xbox a hardmodd or softmodd?if soft just reinstall with zsnexbox2.99b1 u can get from this site
I believe its a soft mod, not sure. I don't think theres a mod chip, it was done for my ex about 4 years ago, hence the bad power supply. it has a modified hdd with xbox burning capability. I guess my real question is how do I go about reinstalling it is my question?
ok, thats what I figured. What's the best way to do that? I have a router with dsl, do I just hook one ethernet cable to the xbox, and one to pc, then connect ips?
go to radio shack and get a cat5 cable,looks like the 1 you have but this 1 lets you get into your comp.plug that into the back off your comp.you also need 2 fig out your ip address.