Okay, I sucessfully softmodded my xbox with softmodinstaller v 4 and im using unleashx...only problem is i do not know how to ftp to my xbox, and when i try it wont connect and I cannot copy my halo2 disc to the hard drive.. any help is appreciated also, if this is in the wrong section i apologize.
halo 2 wont copy on your hard drive becuse it is to big enless u have a bigger HD (or hard mod) becuse halo 2 is about 6700 MB and a regular HD is like 5000 (or somthin like that idk) PS. you can copy only the multiplayer maps is you do not mind not playing campain To F.T.P use this> http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/228294
I am connected through a Linksys Wireless-G Router and a speedstream dsl modem, with the wireless router setup on my xbox. I have obatained the IP, and typed it in the FTP Program I am using (FlashFXP) and it just says 'connection refused' However, I can connect going through internet explorer and typing in ftp://xbox:xbox@ < -- with my ip here I want to be able to connect to the xbox and somehow find a way to get the modded maps for matchmaking on halo2.
what dashboard are you running, is the ip set to DHCP if not then do so...the router will assign your xbox a new ip try and use that one....if its already set to DHCP then its probably a firewall problem....
Yeah.... Firewalls can be a pain because if you have a firewall it refuses the connection. Basically, it tries to protect your system so that your system doesn't get any viruses on it or anything like that!
hello i have a problem as well this is 2nd post i softmodded xbox about aweek ago it was fine then i wanted to change the drive letter to f stupid being new and all but now when my son powers on a xbox live cant connect screen comes up he has never had xbox live so after reading some info i went and got a belkin wireless g router to hook it up to a ftp server and fix i have to problems first cant go into ms dash to check ip and cant connect to ftp followed atleast 10 tuturials with no luck please help desperate.
Okay It was a firewall problem, I switched from my laptop to my desktop and turned the routers firewall off. I can successfully connect I just can view the files. It says "Can't open data connection to < - - my ip there.