xbox game backup

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by newbie14, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. newbie14

    newbie14 Guest

    what is the best software to make xbox game backup's.please help,i am a newbie to all of this.
  2. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Once you have the .iso or backup folder of the game on you PC. Burning the disc: Use DvD Decrypter or NERO. Using DVD-R discs are a better choice. If the game is small enough and you want to use Cds instead. Stick with CD-RWs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2005
  3. newbie14

    newbie14 Guest

    i have a program called craxtion 4.i don't no how to make a iso.can u help me with this?
  4. Bohefus

    Bohefus Regular member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    The main question is..... what do you have so far? Is your xbox modified? Won't do you any good to have a backup copy of a game if your xbox won't play it. 2nd question is..... Can you connect to your xbox from your PC?(i.e. FTP to your computer). Your computer alone will [bold]not[/bold] copy an original game disc. The contents of an xbox game will have to be FTP'd to your computer from your xbox dvdrom drive. Once you have a modified xbox and an FTP connection, you FTP the contents of a game disc to your computer into a folder. Open Craxtion and go to Create New Iso
    Browse to the folder where you FTP'd the game contents to and select ok [​IMG]

    Name and save your iso

    Select done


    And create

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2005

    HOW2MODD Guest

    Liten to him Craxtion 4 works great you can ftp the game to you xbox or burn the isoo with dvd decryptor to a -R for a backup

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