xbox game copy

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by motogp, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. motogp

    motogp Regular member

    May 29, 2005
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    i have xbox game i d/l put it on dvd started playing game played ok at first so i deleated file (lap top not a lot of spare space) trouble is game now crashes at a certain point.
    what i am trying to find out is there any way to copy one xbox game from one dvd to another disc the reason i want to try this is to see if it is the disc at fault before i re d/l game

    all help greatfully appreciated.

    :cool: ;-) :-0
  2. imgr81337

    imgr81337 Guest

    Yea it's possible you just have to have the the disk drive that can write DVDs.
  3. motogp

    motogp Regular member

    May 29, 2005
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    ok i have drive that can write dvd but how do i go about it??
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Even though the pc will say no disk..copy entire disk with nero or alcohol 120% will handle it fine. There is data's just not in a format the pc understands. Burning programs don't seem to have any problems.
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Janrocks, you mean use the PC to copy it strait from one disc to another?
    I have never heard of that one for Xbox games, only PS2?
    but just so he knows there is a tutorial on backing up games at the top in bold letters.
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Hi Steimy.. He said he downloaded it, so I assume it's already been ripped to an iso which he's burned. The question was is it possible to copy the disk he's burned with the pc burner, to which the answer is most certainly yes...

    Burn the copy slow and use a good quality dvd-r disk
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2006
  7. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    OH, I see.
    Another case of my brain just being on the wrong train of thought that morning. In fact sometimes my train of thought just has a derailment :)
    But i was kinda hoping you would say there WAS a way and i had just missed knowing about it
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2006
  8. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    They did release the Samsung 605b firmware hack a few weeks ago that supposedly lets you plug an xbox drive into your pc and just rip away.
    Its called sdg605bv2_-_Xbox_Samsung_Firmware_Hack_v2_-_Commodore4eva
    I haven't played with it but I do have a copy.. lol
  9. agentgman

    agentgman Regular member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    What is a good software to "rip" your xbox games to your hard drive and the "ripped" game is an .iso file (to put on a DVD-R)?
  10. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    The xbox game backup guides are stickied at the top

    WS_FTP Pro for the ftp..
    CloneXB to make the iso
    Nero6 for the burn

    On the xbox to put a game on the xbox drive
  11. MadBoomah

    MadBoomah Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    You can always use Quix to have the one step solution. It's not too bad. It's what I use whenever I don't need to remove any files for the DVD5 compatibility. :)
  12. agentgman

    agentgman Regular member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    Not trying to be picky, but this is my situation:

    I have an xbox, backwards compatible game that I want to duplicate to play on my xbox 360.

    I want to duplicate that using my computer, a 200 GB HD, and any programs you guys throw at me.

    I have no idea what an FTP is, but I am connected to xbox live (using an ethernet cable connected to my wireless router which is connected to my computer).

    I need a good, step by step guide to duplicate an xbox game without any mod chips. If possible, I am pretty lazy, I don't want to get up to connect any cables. Thank you!!!
  13. agentgman

    agentgman Regular member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
    || || || || || || ||

    Also, if this helps, I have a lot of DVD-R disks and CD-R disks.
  14. MadBoomah

    MadBoomah Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    To copy Xbox games you need your XBOX to be modded somehow, wether it's softmodded or hard modded, it's up to you. But you can't copy Xbox games using your PC drive unless they are already backups. If the game is on a DVDR, then you can easilly fire up any program to do a 1:1 copy of it. But if it's original, you have to have access to your Xbox's drive to extract the game's information with it.

    If you don't have access to a modded Xbox, then I guess you're out of luck. Unless your modified X360 is able to let you copy games or something like that. I'm not familiar with the X360 yet.
  15. agentgman

    agentgman Regular member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    So your saying that my backwards compatible game (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4, stupid game, but It's the cheapest I got to test-copy an xbox game) is NOT a/in DVD-R format? beacuse then I could just do the thing that you said to do: "if your game is in a DVD-R format, you can just 1:1 copy it...) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no mods!!!!!
  16. MadBoomah

    MadBoomah Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    If your game is ORIGINAL, you CANNOT copy it using your PC. IF your game is A BACKUP ON A DVD+-R disc, then you certainly can copy it using your PC!

    In order to make a backup of an original game, you need to first read it using your Xbox's drive since it's the only thing that can actualy read the files on the disc. Normal DVD drives will see the Xbox Only Disc movie. After you burn the ISO you made out of the files you got from the disc read with the Xbox, you can easily copy a backup since the files are accesible by the normal DVD drive even though your PC won't see them thanks to a foreign file system. But that doesn't stop duplicating software from copying the backup games! :)
  17. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I think there may still be a problem with running it on the 360.. I'm sure it looks at the security sector on any game disks inserted and if it's burned I think you will be out of luck with a copy. Now I could be 100% wrong if I am please correct me.
    It's an iffy suggestion but maybe "download" a smallish xbox game off the torrents and burn the iso and see if it works. I think that just about falls under the legit research/education use as long as you destroy or otherwise cover yourself if you decide to keep it. As you already own the tony hawks have a look for a torrent of that. Not quite legal, but as I say.. I think we're just about covered.

    EDIT Work in far with a backed up copy of Halo 2 the 360 sees it as a real game, says there is an update and connects to live to get it...does some downloading. then reboots.. Interesting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2006
  18. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Transcript of a conversation about attempting to run a backed up copy of Halo2 on a 360.

    (07:37:59) The conversation has become inactive and timed out.
    (07:42:50) Ike: no f****** way
    (07:43:21) Ike: its letting me "download an update needed to play this original xbox disc"
    (07:43:25) Ike: rofl
    (07:43:27) Ike: omg
    (07:43:30) Ike: rofl
    (07:43:39) Ike: i think this is going to work
    (07:43:44) janet: yeah does it work
    (07:43:48) janet: cool
    (07:43:53) Ike: just a sec
    (07:44:15) Ike: i had to use an old disc..i couldnt burn anything case the halo 2 iso is too ig...
    (07:44:17) Ike: brb
    (07:47:53) Ike: very interesting
    (07:48:54) Ike: every time i put the disc in it tells me there is a new update....i download it...then the system restarts...then it says there is aniother update...then again and again...its doing this for the tird time
    (07:49:05) Ike: odd
    (07:49:11) janet: interesting
    (07:52:06) Ike: omg...i know wha ts going on.....
    (07:52:18) Ike: ok...its a ahacked halo 2 disc...heres whats going on....
    (07:53:06) Ike: so, i put the game says play game on the tray tab in the dashboard...i press goes tothe orginal xbox emulation screen
    (07:53:15) Ike: (green x on white screen)
    (07:53:48) Ike: all of this means that the 360 sees it as an original xbox trys to run it....
    (07:54:00) Ike: then it says there is an update for it....
    (07:54:17) Ike: halo 2 recently had an update to ity....i dont have it yet
    (07:54:39) Ike: so thias means...xbl sees it as a halo 2 trys tod download the update..
    (07:55:14) Ike: .and i fgured out it desnt try to download a bunch of updartes./...itd trying to download the one single update
    (07:55:29) Ike: it stops agt half ad the system restarts
    (07:55:37) Ike: so...this is all good
    (07:55:50) Ike: the shstem and xbl sees it as a real halo 2 didc....
    (07:55:59) Ike: its my connecton thats theissuer i think
    (07:56:04) Ike: the issue
    (07:56:09) Ike: you there?
    (07:56:25) janet: yeah just translating on the fly
    (07:56:26) janet: lolol
    (07:59:28) janet: well whats happening?
    (08:02:27) Ike: updated....and now it says this game isnt playable
    (08:02:44) Ike: i put the real game disc in and now my xbl account is gone
    (08:02:50) Ike: wtf
    (08:03:22) janet: ????
    (08:12:10) Ike: no f****** way
    (08:12:18) Ike: im locked out of xbl
    (08:12:46) Ike: when i boot right into a game, my profile is gone
    (08:13:12) janet: wtf??
    (08:13:36) Ike: and if i try by just turning the system on, it sas one or more profiles are "invalid"
    (08:13:58) Ike: i was able to connect before i tried the backups
    (08:15:23) janet: have you run the real games before?
    (08:20:11) Ike: yeah i have
    (08:20:25) Ike: ok..i can connect...whew
    (08:20:48) janet: Ooo..why did you try that while you were connected??
    (08:21:17) Ike: why does it matter?
    (08:21:35) Ike: i diddnt load any software onto th system
    (08:21:37) janet: I wouldn't have risked it
    (08:21:45) Ike: f***..youre right
    (08:22:23) janet: just had unsigned media running right under ms noses
    (08:23:24) Ike has closed the conversation window.
    (08:23:25) Ike logged out.
    (08:25:05) Ike logged in.
    (08:25:15) Ike: uh...yeah...
    (08:25:47) janet: maybe next time pull the plug first??
    (08:26:07) Ike: yup
    (08:26:11) Ike: defeinatly
    (08:26:15) janet: btw..i'm logging's interesting
    (08:26:40) janet: useful for future reference
    (08:27:03) janet: maybe it's just the old disk?
    (08:28:26) Ike: i unno
    (08:29:03) janet: worth trying again with maybe a smaller iso?
    (08:30:10) Ike: maybe
    (08:30:42) janet: I'll have a look at the compatability list and find a small one
    (08:31:02) janet: I think galleon is a good prospect
    (08:31:06) Ike: ok...ive got to go right ill be bavjk later
    (08:31:14) Ike: well...tomorroew
    (08:31:22) janet: yeah..catch ya later. time for work

    EDIT For language.. as you can tell this was logged live.

    Work in progress I don't have a 360 but I know somebody 6 hours from me who has, and we're working on it. Keep you all posted..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2006
  19. agentgman

    agentgman Regular member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    Hey janrocks, you said that you can download a "torrent". where can I get that? it would be awesome if it works!!!
  20. MadBoomah

    MadBoomah Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    It's actually against the rules to talk about that. So, if you're going to ask such a thing I suggest you do it through PM.

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