I have softmodded my XBox using the game exploit found in Splinter Cell. I have replaced the original hard drive with a 160GB Samsung Hard Drive. Everything seems to work fine now. I have my Emulators, ROMS, and the newest release of DVD2XBox. Here is where my problems start. When I try to upload my XBox games to the hard drive, most of them will NOT work. I can't even play half of them on my XBox at all anymore. Even if I try to upload them through the Microsoft Dashboard, and when I use the disks. The games go through all of the loading screens, but when they get to the part where they check the hard drive, the games freeze. I know the games work because they work on my brother's modded box and my friend's un modded box. There are a couple of games that do work however. They are WWF RAW 2, Dangerous Hunt 2, and Spartan Total Warrior. Here is a LONG list of the games that I have tried to backup or play on my Box and they do NOT work. Madden 06 March Madness 05 NCAA Football 05 Battlefront Battlefront 2 Unreal Tournament Halo 2 I saw in these forums a thread where someone had FTPed the games from their box to their PC. They then deleted the games from their XBox and then FTPed them back from the PC. They said the games worked then. I tried that with Battlefront 2, and it did not work. I used XBoxhdm to create the partitions for my 160GB Hard Drive. Another delima that I am facing is the fact that I can not upload ANY songs through my Microsoft Dashboard. It says that I have the full amount of blocks available, but when I try to copy a song to the hard disk, it tells me that the disk is full. I still have over 130,000 MB in space left on the hard drive, so I have no idea what the problem could be there. A simple fix to this problem was to upload the songs to the 8GB Hard Drive and then FTP to them to the PC and then FTP them to the 160GB Hard Drive. Does anyone have any idea what I may have done wrong? This is really beginning to frustrate me because I have spent a lot of time on this XBox trying to get it to the way I want it. I would love to be able to play my games without having to have the disks. If anyone out there can offer some ideas, or may need to know additional details, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get at this point. Thanks in advance.
This may sound like a stupid NOOB question, but where are the parental settings? To be honest with you, I can't find them anywhere. Where are they, and what do I set them to once I do find them? Thanks.
I am positive that it is locked. Like I said above, I used xboxhdm to format the 160GB Hard Drive. I followed each step and did exactly what the tutorial said. I think that the hard drive I am using may have some bad sectors. I can't FTP anything from my PC to my memory card anymore. And most of these games work until they get to the part where they have to check the hard drive. Then they freeze up. They all work on my modded 8GB Drive though. Any other ideas?
well from what i have read, i dont think that your hdd is locked. if it was you wouldnt be able to load up the dashboard. it might be the parental control like the return said. the parental conrol is on the original MS Dashboard. go to settings>parental control(if you have never set the parental control it will ask you to put in a password, make it something easy to remember like x-x-x-x just incase you forget that you set it) then set the games to 'RP' and movies to '1'. if it didnt work, just let me know
Okay. This is where I am having the problem. When I go to the original Microsoft Dashboard, and I click on Settings, there is NOTHING for Parental Control anywhere on the list. Not sure if I am missing something here or what, but this is all I get when I choose the settings: Clock Language Audio Video Network Settings Auto Sign-In (disabled) Auto Off (disabled) System Info It's like this on both my Original 8GB Hard Drive (softmodded), and my 160GB Hard Drive (softmodded). I have the latest version of Microsoft Dashboard as well. So what is wrong here? Why can't I find the parental settings?
parental control should be in there. I don't know why your ms dash does not have it. Something is wrong. If you have non mod xbox, you will see parental control in settings.
This doesn't make any sense to me then. I have checked everywhere and can not find the parental controls. Like I said above, the games all seem to work fine on my original 8GB Hard Drive. But when I try to play them on my 160GB Hard Drive, some of them don't work. That is why I thought that maybe my Hard Drive was bad or something. But now I am really confused about this whole parental controls issue. Is there anything that you can think of that I might could do to fix this problem?
well let I tell you more about the parental control. It is a rate settings. If it sets at low level like PG or Teen, then games (rated R) will not play. So maybe on the 8GB hdd, it set to R. But on the 160GB it sets to PG. That is why you can play games on 8GB hdd but not on 160G hdd.
Ok. So how do I change this problem on the 160GB Hard Drive when I can't find the option to do it? And besides, that really doesn't make any sense because all I did was copy everything from the 8GB Hard Drive and send it to the 160GB Hard Drive using xboxhdm. So shouldn't everything be the exact same on the bigger hard drive? Just with a lot more space?
In your case, I can't set parental control either. Because something is wrong with your ms dash. Well you need a complete working ms dash.
Where, or how, can I get a complete working MS Dashboard? And can I FTP it to my XBox without messing anything up?
you can get it from your friend's xbox or download it from bit torrent. When you ftp, you have to know where is your ms dash at and replace with the right folder and file. Basically, if you do it wrong, ms dash will mess up. Plus it may affect the softmod too.
Do you know which folders, etc. that I have to replace? Knowing my luck I will mess up my XBox altogether and not be able to do anything with it.
This is the FACTORY XBOX'S HDD (ms dash): C:\ Audio, Fonts, xboxdashdata, xodash, xboxdash.xbe, Xbox.xtf, Xboxbook.xtf NOTE: NO "." are folders. With "." are files. 4 folders and 3 files.