my friend is selling his xbox hard drive and i already have a xbox but there is no hard drive in it, because i screwed something up. so i was wondering if i buy this hard drive will it work in my xbox. also this xbox i have is in perfect condition. so will the hard drive actually boot up and can i play a xbox game? please help me out.
idk 4 sure, but i heard that the motherboard and the HDD have to match in order to function. I'm no HDD swapping professional, so i could be wrong......
Microsoft made it so the motherboard and the hard drive are a pair. It was designed that way to keep people from modifying the xbox. anyway it's called a eeprom and you will need the eeprom or a modchip to make that xbox work with any other hard drive. Search eeprom reader and you will get a tutorial on how to restore your xbox back to original state.
you need the eeprom to put on the new hdd, thats how the xbox "unlocks" the hdd. until you get the eeprom off the old hdd or modchip your xbox no you cant just add your friends hdd.
Read and digest. The easiest way to get your eeprom data from your existing box is to softmod it and then ftp the eeprom file to your pc.. don't lose it or you will need to go all through the process of building a reader... Get the person selling the drive to provide the relevant eeprom.bin which matches the drive locking or unlock the drive before hand.