Well being a smooth person like I am I delited my xbox's harddrive...than in an attempt to restore it by using slayers evox install disk...Than use ZZK's install disk but at the step where I use the slayers evox my xbox wont read the disk with the ISO on it.I've tried 2 PC drives and my xbox drive it still won't work!!!Help!!!
Are you burning the ISO file as a data disc? It needs to be burnt as an image file! You also have to have a Mochipped (HardMod) Xbox for Slayers to work!
Ohh and yes I am burning it as an image file but I'm using a softmodded xbox but it's not modded right now because well the harddrive is wiped Is their anything else I could do to restore the harddrive?
Is it posible to take my 120 gb hard drive out of my xbox and put it in my friends and he will have my mod