ok i dont get it. i wanted a 200gig harddrive but am i supposed to buy this, or can i upgrade a stock one. if i have to buy one plz post a place to buy it if u can.
Here is a list of a bunch of compatible harddrives that you can use. It's the best you can choose different options like how big and how many rpm's.
Here is a list of 200GB HDD's that you can get for cheap: http://dealdetectives.com/index.php?q=200GB&show_expired=on When I modded my Xbox, I got the Maxtor 200GB HDD, at Staples for only 50 bucks, and all you have to do is install it, and then get the flash software and put it on a CD-R/CD-RW. Then you just need to get the BIOS screen and flash your xbox.