xbox hdd died or something???

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by pingy34, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. pingy34

    pingy34 Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    alright i softmodded my xbox and upgraded the stock hdd to a western digital caviar se 200gig. Out of nowhere once after using up more of the hdd storage space the xbox started acting up. Now i know its not the xboxs problem bc i put the stock hdd back in there and it works fine. but when i put the upgraded one i have (that has been working for six months) it ticks then gives me error 7 9 or 13. the hdd will not be detected by my computer it just does its lil ticking trick. If neone has ne idea how to save the information on the hdd let me know. I really had a lot of stuff on the hdd my xbox sucks without all the stuff on the hdd. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. pingy34

    pingy34 Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    wow im dying here i backed up 41 games on that thing. Iw as a real party machine. Now i think im gonna die.
  3. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    sounds like it is corrupt. If you can not use any PC tools like Partition Magic or the Datalife tools that should have come with any Western Digital drive to access it, then there is no way for you to get the information off of it.
    How long is the warranty on it?
  4. pingy34

    pingy34 Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    I think it was only a couple of months or like ninety days. I have partition magic but how would i use that to retrieve the information on it.
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    you would have to take out the HDD and put it in the PC and see if it will recognize that the HDD is there, if not then your S.O.L.
    You said above that it would not detect it, did you try using the hardware install wizard? If not try that as it will be about the last thing i can think of trying
  6. pingy34

    pingy34 Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    it detects the hdd but will not read it and when it trys to read it it just ticks and my computer wont boot even when i take the other ide hdd from my other comp turn off raid and plug my hdd in ide instead of sata2 and set the boot hard disk as master and the xbox hdd as slave. What it does is it trys to boot off the hdd with windows from my other comp but then when it tries to read the xbox hdd it restarts the comp and it will just do this forever. So to summarize it detects both hard disks, then it reads the primary hard disk and says its a seagate800nsdaflhkdsaf or whataever, then it tries to read the second hard disk and my comp ticks forever gives up tries to boot windows than just restarts itself??
  7. MadBoomah

    MadBoomah Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    I suggest you get ahold of the DataLifeGuard tools, burn it to a CD, connect the drive to your PC and run some diagnostics on the drive just to make sure it's ok. If not even that sees it, then you probably have a screwed up drive.

    WD gives a minimum of 1 year warranty, so if you bought it 6 months ago, you probably still have warranty. You can check your warranty using the drive's serial number at the following link:

    If, the warranty is not listed correctly on the site (hopefully you have a receipt lying around to remember and have proof of the date you bought it in?) you can send WD an email with the scanned receipt so that they can fix it to 1 year as of the date of purchase, or more depending on what your box said when you bought it. They take a couple of days to check the request but they get it done (they even have the decency to give you a call personally to let you know the warranty has been fixed :D..... I do this quite often you know lol). So, you might've lost the data, but you might still have the right to another drive (if you're lucky you get a new one and not a refurb :-/, and if you're extremely lucky, you might get and even bigger one. But that's pushing things too far lol)

    I've had WD drives die on me 3 months after buying them under normal conditions. I don't trust their reliability that much since although I do give them credit for their awesome performance. But it's one of the reasons I prefer buying Maxtors instead.

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