Xbox HDM 1.9 Help PLEASE

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by xCapox, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. xCapox

    xCapox Guest

    Man I really need serious help See My dad let me open my Pc (Dell Dimension 8300 Series) and I put my 160GB Maxtor HDD in the bottom slot set the Jumper on Single Master Then I wrote a CD-RW Memorew Ultra Speed 24X 700MB 80 Min I used Nero 7 Demo I used the Built in Win XP burner and I rebooted the comp with the following settings 1.IDE Diskette Drive 2.Floppy 3.C Hardrive (Disabled) so I thought the Xbox Maker and Recovery Tool Program was going to load up but it said Strike The F1 Key for system setup and Strike the F2 Key for Boot Setup and I tried reading them In my dads laptop but it didnt read so I Used ASony CD-R 700MB 80 in 1x-48x speeds and It showed Up on my dads laptop (Linux.iso) but It still didnt boot up on my pc Ive tried Roxio,Nero,and the Built In WIN XP cd burner I wrote on speed 16x Verifyed data EVERYTHING but my PC continues to say the strike F1 Key Strike F2 Key IDK if I didnt burn the CD right but can someone with way more knowledge with Xbox HDM please help me PLEASE!! :'[

    Also I want to know If I get a program to lock the HDD will it work when I put it in my xbox because I can lock it easy but will it work after I Lock it and xboxhdm is too confusing and I can just copy all the info back if it works in my softmodded xbox wen I unlock
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2006
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    you have to burn the linux.ISO with Nero as a UDF/ISO not a data disc.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2006
  3. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    It uses a completely different file format, you've got to use XBoxHDM to do it, unless you FTP over from your pc to your xbox, etc.

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