Hi All I am new to this and need help. i recentley aquired an Xbox ISo file and tried to copy it with Alcohol 120 and Nero and it did not work, are there any settings i need to change in these programs to get ot to work. And yes my console is chipped. Cheers Pete
ok first off,was the game on a dvd or cd?if it was a dvd it could be the type of dvd that messes u up,vertabrim dvd+r s do not work on the xbox.Some memorexs do not work either.But try this download dvd decryptor{google it}and burn it at a maximum of 4x.
Hi Cheers the dvd's i am using are Maxmax and the game is on dvd but will give decryptor a go. thanks
Another solution is to extract the .xiso file to a folder, then burn the contents of the folder using NERO. Burn it as a UDF DVD Disc and force xbox compatibility. Then burn it at the SSSSLLLLOOOWWWEESSTTT speed possible by your burner (2.4x?). It will take about 20 or so minutes but it works perfect for me. If that doesn't work, just FTP it to your xbox Hard Drive. Evocre8r
That's only partially true, as it's not the media but rather the fact that it's a DVD+R. Not all Xbox DVD-ROMs can read DVD+R, and even if they're the same brand of drive compatibility isn't always the same either. Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden make the best recordable DVD media. The only one that comes close is Ritek, and that only applies to their RiDATA brand since the other ones they have aren't consistently top quality. Using Verbatim DVD-Rs with ImgBrn is the best route. Taiyo Yuden media has to be imported depending on where you live, which is why I'm recommending Verbatim instead.
Hi People Thankyou all for your help on this matter, but i am still having problems with this iso. I have used DVD Decryptor, IMGburn,Alcohol 120 and done this at speeds of x2.4 to x4 but my xbox will not read the disc. The game is a-farcie.iso and i am at a loss what to do now. It is a DVD game and I am using MaxMax blank DVD's. If anyone else has any ideas i would love to hear them. Thanx Pete
I agree with Venom,media can be the problem. Burn as slow as you can. Also you never stated if your media is +R or -R,some DVD drives in the Xbox are very picky. I have three Xboxes,one with a Thompson drive that plays +/-R,one Thompson that plays -R only,and a Philips that plays everything(including burned CD's). In other words what brand of DVD drive you have will determine your media,-/+R
hi tehre isnt there a xbe patching software to make the xbox read the game from different media types? qwinx or sumthing??
You mean Qwix? Yes it patches xbe...not sure about changing media types that it can read,I thought is for removing media flags. Also coverts iso to xiso so the Xbox can read it when burned to disc. @peter43au are you sure the file is an xiso?
*sigh* Xbox iso files still have the .iso extension on them. Try this then. Get Daemon Tools and mount that iso file. If you can view the contents of the iso using windows explorer, then it's just a normal iso. If it can't, chances are that it's an xiso. And again, GET BETTER MEDIA. I can't stress that enough. Crap media yields crap results, which you're getting. It doesn't matter that you're using DVD-R media, what matters is that you aren't using top quality media like Verbatim.
I was playing a sega cd on the sega emulator but it was the cd not a rom or iso whatever u call it and I wana have that game on my xbox harddrive how do I do that so I wont have to play it with the cd do I make a ISO for it?