XBox Linux - Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by handsom, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    I've got XDSL, and I really like it, especially on my HD, but I've got a question, I searched this, and didn't find anything on it.

    I'm looking for an XBox linux distro I can put onto the hard drive as an application. I've hear there are a lot of good ones, and I'm looking for one that will take my changes.

    As I've worked with XDSL, I have had an issue with the fact that I can't save files, and none of the changes that I make to the OS, settings, or the applications therein seem to stick at all.

    I'm hoping someone can either suggest another good linux distro that was ported over to XBox, or that someone can let me know how to make XDSL remember settings when it's loaded up again. I want to be able to use this as a browser and e-mail client, but I can't keep bookmarks, cookies, downloaded e-mail messages, etc. And I need that to work for this to be a viable pc alternative. I'm not expecting liquid fast performance, just good web browsing (Preferrably firefox) and reliable e-mail that works in a similar fashion to Outlook or Thundebird.

    Can anyone suggest something like this for me? Remember, I'm looking for an XBox version of linux. I do a lot of computer work and maintenence, it'd be nice to have a secondary system for while I do these maintenences, etc.

    Any/all help would be appreciated.

    1MAVERICK Guest

    If you don't mind? Whats XDSL, and how do you run Fierfox on your Xbox? Thanks.
  3. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    XDSL is the Xbox port of DSL(Damn Small Linux distro) it is a very small install of a full linux OS, including firefox. However, none of the changes, settings, or anything you do is saved when you exit. So it's like coming back to default settings every single time, and I'm frustrated trying to be able to customize the look, feel, and bookmarks.

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