xbox live help

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by sniper128, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. sniper128

    sniper128 Guest

    hey i have a xbox with xbox live and i dont want to spend anymore money on buying a head set (since i am broke) and i heard that there is a way to configure a coumputer speaker so that i would work on an xbox and it would brodcast the sound like a normoal head set and work as a mic, but i dont know if this is true so i was just wondering if it would work. also do you think that there is a way to build your own head set out of...well anything. well i was just wondering if you could enlighten me on my question. thanx
  2. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    You could try posting this in the XBOX FORUM.
  3. sniper128

    sniper128 Guest

    they have a xbox forum??????
  4. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    ...Uh,Yeah? check inside this window, see that thing beneath my post that syas "Related topics"? what is the forum title on those topics? :)
  5. sniper128

    sniper128 Guest

    o ok thanx
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    next time look before asking a question as you now have to redo your question all over again in the xbox forum
  7. sniper128

    sniper128 Guest

    ya, but i was easy. just copy and paste:)
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    but you wasted 3.5hrs!!
  9. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    *sigh* a brain is a terrible thing to waste, indeed....
  10. sniper128

    sniper128 Guest

    3.5 hours?!?!?!? What you talking about it only took 5 hours

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