Ok. I've been reading about some new detection M$ has that,I guess, detects if the xbox is not stock and if it's not, they banned your xbox from xbox live. Now.... I have 2 xboxes. 1 is completely stock... never been modded in any way and it signs onto xbox live. but My second one has a xenium mod chip in it with stock HDD but hasnt been signed on xbox live at all. I just bought a second gamertag. (well my cousin did) I was wondering do I need to delete the Evox Files and halo 2 off my hdd and completely remove my modchip before I try to create a live account and sign in on the 2nd xbox because I don't want it to get banned...??? I mean do I need to delete all those files or just remove the chip?
The only way to get your xbox banned is by using a modded bios, Microsft cannot detect what dash your running.