Xbox Mechassault Softmod Help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Hplayer13, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. Hplayer13

    Hplayer13 Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    I softmodded my xbox in an attempt to get XBMC on there. When i went to transfer xbmc on to the E/dashboard i deleted evolution X. Yes i am a noob. From there i tried to place xbmc into the E/dashboard folder. However when i restart my xbox it kicks on and then goes to a black screen. I can still FTP to my xbox. I do not want to restore my xbox back to the original state. Instead i would like to continue and try to install XBMC as the dashboard. Can somebody walk me through to complete this. My apps folder and dashboard folder are empty on E.
  2. lindy41

    lindy41 Guest

    Dude...just use the aid installer..its way easier and less risky. does your screen flash any errors???? Any way you can torrent or rapidshare the aid 4.0 installer and then just burn it as an iso on a dvd put it in your xbox and it should install xmbc!!!!

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