xbox only reads 137gb of my 250gb how do i fix this? i just started using my xbox again and i updated the dashboard and i know theres a way to use the rest of my hdd but i cant seem to find it any help would be great thank you
mines doing the same thing i have a softmod using auf and im not sure what evox dash i got but i a evox dashboard.
how do you use the g drive. i went into my system utilities and set g drive use to yes but it says i have no space. how do i format it?
how did you upgrade hdd? xboxhdm? you can use AID or SID to format G drive ONLY. Be careful, do not format C and E drive. Otherwise, use xboxhdm to format.
it depends on your mod method, i use an X3ce chip which supports 48 bit LBA, my F drive is 295 gig kc