Hi. I recently installed evolution x on my modded xbox (xecuter2) and was trying to install XMBC as a dashboard. I found a site which gave me these instructions (http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=As_a_Dashboard) and I got to the last step where I replaced my evolution xbox dash file (xboxdash.xbe) with the default one I downloaded from this site and I made the file xboxdash.cfg with notepad. However, I made the mistake in saving the file as 'xboxbash.cfg.txt' so when I copied the 2 files across via FTP and rebooted, it now doesn't go past the first screen. I'm assuming coz the cfg.txt file should be *.cfg. So now i'm asking, how do I get back to being able to FTP my xbox or getting it back to the evolutionX dashboard!? I backed up my C and E drive before I started with evolutionX. Is this helpful? Please help me. Cheers
yeah!! My xbox is doing the same thing. can't find a way to fix it and I dont know my ip address. So that mean i can't connect to my computer. my xbox kept repeating over and over can't get to front dashboard!!! I was wondering if your xbox is the same?
hey nology05. yeh i ended up fixing the problem, with alot of help from another forum here: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=661845&st=30 i tried frosty's recovery disc - didn't work tried slayers auto-installer - didn't work I ended up having to install a new hd coz i was told my old hd was buggered. I was lucky though coz I had already made a backup of my original hd so I didn't lose my game saves etc & the eeprom.bin file. I ended up using this link and now my xbox is working again with XBMC. http://www.techfreaks.org/articles/modxbox2.shtml Do you have a backup of your hd?
Thank for the tip!!! When I was looking around the house I found my backup hardrive.........My OEM hd.........I had switch my hardrive to a 200Gb and i mess it up so I'm going to start over. Thank for the help though.................