Xbox Router Help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by drwsecond, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. drwsecond

    drwsecond Member

    Sep 17, 2005
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    Ok, I have softmodded my Xbox and loaded up Evolution X successfuly. I got cross-connection cord and have also been able to FTP to it. I put on apps and stuff like that. I got tired of lugging my Xbox from my computer then to my TV... so I tried hooking up a wireless solution. I can't get it to work. Here is what I did....
    1. I have a USB wireless adapter hooked into my computer.
    2. I set up a router in my TV room (the router is NOT connceted to the internet)
    3. I plugged my crossover cable for my Xbox into the WAN input on the router and the light on my router shows activity on the WAN.
    4. I brought up the wireless software on my PC and connected. (BTW I have XP)
    5. I set my NIC settings for my wireless USB adapter as I would for directly connecting my Xbox to my computer.
    6. I opened up FlashFXP and have the Xbox's IP entered in along witht he correct username and password and it will not connect.

    I also have an ethernet cord hooked into my computer, so I can go online and also have the USB adapter hooked in. I cannot however get my hands on a long enough ethernet cord. On Evolution X it shows the IP as but that it is hooked online.

    Any suggestions on how I can get this to work?
    Any help will be appreciated.
  2. DjRaise

    DjRaise Regular member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Your Xbox is not your network. Plug it into an ethernet port.

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