I have a softmodded xbox i have had the xbox for about 2/3 years, i have changed the power button light and added a ring LED in where the Jewel used to be its been fine until now. I can start it up perfect a game/dash but after 5/10mins (max) it turns off the xbox fan is still going and the power button is flashing also the CPU Grill is very hot unless thats normal. I dont have a mod chip or changed my hard drive nothing like that the wires are all plugged in there is a small indent in the gray wire connected to the hard drive going to the DVD drive and then to the motherboard can anyone HELP ASAP please (sorry if posted in wrong area i am new)
i think your xbox is about to die completely. Something similar happened to me then my xbox just stop working.
well it is the CPU or GPU overheated. You can fix this problem by replacing the heat compound between the chip and heatshrink.
When you mean termal compound do you mean that or thermal adhesive cause they are 2 totally different things can you tell me which on please cause i am sure its becuase my xbox is overheating the powers still on and games work fine just switches of lol
it actuallly is OCZ Ultra 5+ Silver Thermal Compound. http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/cooling_products/ocz_ultra_5-silver_thermal_compound