XBOXHD Can't unlock my 2'nd paperweight, help Idots?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by MLOYLLO, Jan 20, 2006.


    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I've been using xboxhdm and have no luck. Made the iso booted it with a fresh drive. Did drives c, and e on fresh maxtor 200 gb. Rebooted with a floppy with locking tools before locking asked me for a password I typed XBOXSCENE and thats it "Should I have typed the HD password, the HD key or what. Its won't boot the box. Its locked and the password doesn't work in option 1, 3, 4, or on anything I've tried. I'm usually pretty smart about this stuff and i'm starting to get frustrated. This is my 2'nd hard drive. I need a decent TUT that gives specifics on partitioning, formatting,and especially LOCKING my brand new drive. When it asks me for a password to initiate locking, am I suposed to enter somthing specific a key, a password, an eeprom, or somthing my own xbox will take to.

    Also I've got a SATA hard drive and a USB floppy. When I boot from the xboxhdm iso I can't access my floppy, 'path not specified invalid. I locked it after booting from the usb floppy with locking tools. It saves a log, yeah right.

    Please someone help me before I take this drive back and get another. Thanks.
  2. evoxslaya

    evoxslaya Guest

    wot chip are you using?? Try Xbox, whe i did both of mine, they were set with xbox.

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I'm not using a chip. I softmodded my retail HD and am tring to create a 200GB from scratch. I used the Splinter cell exploit and its grand. I still have my retail hooked up and can play games or movies,and even use dvd2xbox and copy one game to my my retail HD. I want a bigger H drive so I can copy all my games to it and not worry about leaving them at home when I go out of town. xboxhdm are you fimiliar?

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I'm not talking about an FTP client password. I'm talking about a @#$@ing Hard Drive locking password or key, or eeprom enclosure I don't know. Thanks for responding.

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Help me Idots, Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PM, me and it will be greatly appreciated. I admire your work no doubt,and would value advise from the Godfather of liMSux.
  6. evoxslaya

    evoxslaya Guest

    I'm trying to use the splinter cell mod on my 2nd xbox but at the checkpoint screen it freezes. Can u plz email me your splinter cell save. are you using the ntsc or pal save?? as for your "2nd paperweight" i wouldn't worry about upgrading your harddrive, save money, ftp your xbox with your computer and just burn your games to a disc. can you please help me to softmod my xbox coz i will try and help you coz I got an old hdd lying around so i'll try to change drives using xbox hdm. It should work though because alot of pplz use it.

    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    O,yeah thats another thing. I can't FTP anymore, my cpu says a network cable is unplugged and its not. However the cable's aren't unplugged. A dell tech said that my wireless adapter and ethernet adapter had briged some how after asking me to run CMD/ipconfig/all/, and reading my ip address to him.
  8. evoxslaya

    evoxslaya Guest

    If you're using internet explorer and have upgraded to broadband, it goes funny. I can only ftp with my xbox if I go back and use dial up. The ftp process is very buggy unfortunately. I can only ftp if i turn on my LAN, then my computer and then when i'm on the net power up my xbox otherwise i get a system cable is unplugged error message.

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