xbxo 360 back up saves

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by xbox360sv, Jun 19, 2009.

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  1. xbox360sv

    xbox360sv Member

    Jun 19, 2009
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    360 flashed arcade xbox

    I have a datel memory card with a 2gig micro sd card in it.

    I have a datel data transfer kit = software and cable

    I have datel action replay...

    what I want to do is get 100% saves for all my games as ive played them to death and I am rubbish (plus some r silly hard)

    can i do it with that i have?
    i also have some 360 100% save games from a friend, can i upload them to console...

    will i get banned from live? what if i use 2 memory cards for on and off live?

    please help..thanks

    ps where can i get more saves?
    can i get a soul calibur darth vader save?
  2. wabashman

    wabashman Active member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    for one, why didnt you place this in the 360 section? this is the original xbox section. for two, you cant transfer someone elses game saves to your own gamertag anymore, MS put a stop to this a while back to keep people like you from cheating and boosting their gamer score.
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