xecuter 2.6 switch bank

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by blade003, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    i have a switch bank connected to my xecuter 2.6 chip and there is no problem, it works fine but i was wondering why only one LED on the switch banks lights up when i turn the chip on, when i turn it on it has one green lED when it is off i have a red LED but none of the others turn on. how come all the leds won't come on when i turn the chip on ?
  2. chipper2

    chipper2 Guest

    check to see if the wires are connected
  3. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    yes they respond perfectly, they all work but does anyone know why the leds won't light up
  4. chipper2

    chipper2 Guest


    replace them.,.,.

  5. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    replace the leds or the whole thing ?
  6. chipper2

    chipper2 Guest

    the xecuter swith bank.......

    just replace that
  7. blade003

    blade003 Guest

    no need it works now, i just saved myself some money.

    thanks for the help though

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