AMD 2000XP 768 PC2100 ram Adapi 16X40 DVD-rom Pioneer A05 burner Win XP pro-OS ----------------------------. Xpress v2.0 I'm having a lot of trouble copyping if I load the movie in my DVD-Rom and then a blank in my A05 burner. When I start I get the message "a blank disc has been detected in my burner, and do I want to burn automatically, so I click yes. It goes through the writing process, and then I get a pop-up saying burn successful, however it doesn't write to the disk, and the temp files are deleted. If I load the movie in my burner ti goes through the writing process then asks to insert blank, then pop-up start writing,..which it does. However, I want to use the autoburn so I can leave it unattended instead of having to come back to my desk to put in a blank disc. DVD X-copy works fine using both DVD-Rom and A05 burner. Has anyone one had this problem??? Please Help._X_X_X_X_X_[small]Vic[/small]