Hi, I've heard good things about xteam mods and I wanted to know if I should pay $239.99 for a premodded XBOX with an aladdin advanced XT chip OR should I buy a different one with like a Xecuter or SmartXX chip. All I need to do is direct boot backups and movies. Please check out the website which is http://xteammods.com/Store/index.php?cPath=22&osCsid=55d981bfec172004de5c95a1f574e98b and tell me which of the ones I should get. If anyone has suggestions on another website thats reliable and has good products, then post it here please. Thanks -Clownz-
my suggestion would be to buy a used xbox(one made before '04)then get a xenium ice solderless and do it yourself! used xbox- $100-120 xenium ice- $53 (solderless) i would only buy a pre mod if you didnt feel like you could install a chip and make it work.
I have a Matrix solderless chip. The only problem that I have with it is that it becomes loose. I have had to readjust the chip a couple of times. My suggestion is to solder one in. If you are uncomfortable with the soldering, grab a gun and practice. Don't pay someone to do something that is pretty easy to do.
I would recommend Xecuter 3 CE. This chip is tight and sweet and very very easy to install. Total soldering points is around 10 soldering points as I can remember it. And these points are very very easy to do. Just get a 15Watt from Radio Shack. Takes about 30 minutes to install. 10 minutes to remove the xbox case. (take your time... use a heat gun to remove the stickers on the back so that the warranty is not voided.) But if you don;t care about the warranty then just tear the stickets. but over all the Xecuter is a great chip and with all the help from here, you should not have any problems. hopes that help!