I have a strange problem. I have a Xvid video, and it only plays OK if I force the colorspace to RGB32, if I dont the video color comes out very unclear. I would like to burn the video to dvd, but nero shows the preview of the video as being that dark unclear color. So I don't want the dvd to come out like the preview.
Maybe you could try change the codec of the xvid to e.g. Divx with something like Power Video Converter or Advanced X Video Converter? Also, you may encode first, and check the results before burning. Good luck!
Um...that really didn't seem to help. Video converter creates video files from it that are not readable, no video at all. And WinAVI converter makes video files with the same color problem.
Sorry can't be of help. The last thing I can think of is probably try something like VideoMach: http://gromada.com/videomach.html Good luck!