I'm trying to join 3 Hi Res xvids with Virtual Mod, to encode to DVD, but I ran into a problem. After using the "append segment" I get an error: "The video streams have different data formats". The problem is that the first 2 files are exactly alike (448 kb/s (224/ch, stereo) CBR) but the last one has 448 kb/s (6 ch) CBR. So how can I match these up so I can append them all into a single XVID for reencoding to DVD?
Open Virtual Dub. Open the first segment, select under video, "direct stream copy" and under audio [bold]select "full processing mode"[/bold]. Then save as a new AVI. Once this is done, do the same for the next 2 segments and you will identical segments. You can then join them!
I get "no audio decompressor could be found to decompress the source audio format." I've tried converting the audio in ffmpeg to match and I get the same previous error. Maybe these pics will help: before ffmpeg audio:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/shitter/pb.jpg after:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/shitter/pb2.jpg Is there something I should also do with the video to get them to match?
The error is about the video stream, although you are right in that you can't join a 2 channel AC3 stream with a 5.1 one. Try using AVIMuxGUI to join the files with the same no. of audio channels. 448k is probably overkill for 2 channel AC3.