Xvid to dvd, doesn't want to work!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bpcrally, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. bpcrally

    bpcrally Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    Hello i'm new here
    I have burned plenty of TV seasons to dvd using Nero 7 and never had any problems.
    I downloaded season 1 of prison break which is in Xvid format, I attempted to use Nero 7 but after 20min or so the audio would go off sync!

    This is when i started browsing these forums to see what i should do, I got Convertxtodvd and tried using that. I was satified because when i played it back in my laptop it worked fine. Sure enough when i put it into my ps2 it would skip every 20 sec or so.
    HOWEVER- its not a disc issue, i have backed up several movies on these discs (fujifilm) and never ever had any problem in any player, so the PS2 acting up wasn't a result of the disc.
    I thought i would give it 1 more try by converting an episode in Convertxtodvd, and then burning the dvd with Nero burning ROM at 2X (to be safe). Sure enough after a few min it started skipping.

    So i am all out of ideas, Prison break just doesn't seem to want to burn, anyone have any ideas? because im stumped!

  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Have you tried using Nero Vision Express?

    If so and you had the out of synch problem did you have Nero Vision Express create chapters automaticly?

    If you did try creating them manuly every 10 minutes or no chapters at all.

    In my experince when I had audio synch problems it was do to automaticly adding chapters to whatever file I was converting. Once I added them manuly the Audo was in synch.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2006
  3. malcdogg

    malcdogg Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    It may very well not be a disk issue. It sounds like your PS2's laser is starting to go. If I were you I would quit playing movies in it, and save the machine strictly for games.
  4. tmfloria

    tmfloria Active member

    Sep 30, 2003
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    If you like to D/L Xvid/Divx movies and TV shows best bet is to just go with a DVD Player that plays the xvid or Divx format

    Philips Progressive Scan DVD Player w/ DivX Playback, DVP642
    is a good one.. I've had mine for 4 years now and I love it

  5. bpcrally

    bpcrally Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    the only thing is with my PS2 it works perfectly fine with games and other movies that i have burned using nero...

    im so confused, i just tried another one with nero using high level of encoding, and no chapters, at the exact same place it looses sync!

    The strange thing is that its right after a "commercial cut", but in the original, or one that i burn with convertxtodvd doesnt have the sync issue... so weird..
  6. tmfloria

    tmfloria Active member

    Sep 30, 2003
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    Last edited: Apr 28, 2006
  7. justme1

    justme1 Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    This is not the problem as I get it too and thought it was my Home Theatre system, but plugging in my second DVD player did the same thing, then it's reported by others, same thing. I haven't solved the problem yet, but I think it has to do with converters, 99% of problems I have had has been converters.

    Also, I don't do chapters for TV shows and still get this problem. Prison Break burns just fine using Super DVD Creator but this Nero 7 doesn't want to burn any DVD properly on my computer, that is why I think it's a converter problem.
  8. bpcrally

    bpcrally Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    yeah i figured it was the converter, and some of the prison break episodes worked fine.. the really weird thing is that the prison break episodes that go out of sync, will go out of sync in the exact same place even if i reburn them!

    and when using nero my ps2 plays it perfectly, and its great quality, its just that for some reason the odd episode starts going offsync after a commercial break.. (yes the originals are fine)..

    strange strange strange... guess ill just have to watch them on my laptop :( i really didnt want to keep them on there as they take up so much room!
  9. bpcrally

    bpcrally Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    what about WinAVI? have any of you used this? I might try it, it's just that ive wasted so many discs..
    Maybe someone can tell me if WinAVI has a chance?

    Thanks guys/girls
  10. Matador

    Matador Regular member

    Jul 3, 2003
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    Use CCE to convert avi to MPEG-2 then use any DVD authoring program to make your menus...But you might want to use Dvd Lab Pro.And make sure that you also convert the audio to ac3 instead of wav or mp2, this way you will be able to add more shows or give better quality to the video. Once you have the image burn it with DVD Decrypter.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
  11. Dorman

    Dorman Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    I've been playing with prison break for at least two days. Tried many methods. Nothing i've done works. The audio just wants to go out of sync. I've used VirtualDub and extracted the wave to PCM then reincorperated the new wav file into the video and created a new avi that was about 3Times bigger but still the same result. I used Nero vision for all the DVD images i created with my attemps but at 2-4 hours of ripping after each test to see if i could get it go in sync i decided i will just watch them on computer. I cannot reslove this issue. Its super annoying.
    I think its the nero codecs that is the problem but i also read around it as to do with the variable bitrate. I figured inporting the raw wave would fix this but when you make that dvd everytime it just goes out of sync.
    I also installed ACE MEGA CODEC"S pro but still no result.
    I guess i figured out what not to do, perhaps this will save you guys some trouble knowing that this method did not work for me. If anyone solves this problem for PRISION BREAK, the LOL versions please post it up.

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