Yes I have searched

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Synical, May 12, 2004.

  1. Synical

    Synical Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Okay. I have a Lite-On DVDRW SOHW-812S Firmware updated to US0J. Running Win XP 768Mb RAM AMDXP 2000. I have used Nero 6, DVD decrypter, DVD Shrink, CloneDVD 1 & 2 and so on. DVD burner is master on the primary cable separated from HDD cable.

    Annoying pauses 70-90% through the movie. You're probably thinking "Just use the seacrh button to find your answer." YES I have searched and performed all the various mods, updates and media changes. Princo, Sky, Ritec, Verbatim, TDK, Vertex...

    I still get pauses and to date 18 coasters have been created. I use "decrypt" to get what i want, "Shrink" to re-author it up and nero/cloneDVD/various burning software to finish the job. No I dont have Roxio and have never heard of it. Tried various burning combinations (ISO's, VOB's/IFO's) but still no success. With every burn completed I run DVD info pro and get 2-3 red squares here and there.

    Does anyone have a Lite-On DVDRW SOHW-812S that gets 100% test pass in DVD info pro? Much help would be appreciated. Or do I need to scrap this burner for another. Or is it because I'm Australian?

  2. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    HI Synical, Too much software is sometimes as bad as not enough. DVDShrink will rip and decrypt about 90 to 95% of most movies out there. Try one process and one set of software until you get the bugs out before jumping to another. Go into the settings of Shrink and set it to auto burn with either Nero or Decrypter. Shrink will decrypt as it rips and start the burning program you pick and put the files in the proper place. Almost fool proof. If you still have problems, then we can try to correct that setup. I use CloneDVD running AnyDVD as the decrypter and never have any problems. If you keep moving from program to program, you never know if it's software or hardware related problems. Stick to the better media.(Ritek/Verbatim)

  3. mastaprk

    mastaprk Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Have you tried to decrease the maximum capacity for the settings inside of DVD Shrink? I believe some people have had better results when they decrease this to ~60MB below the max settings. I would also recommend sticking to just one prefrered method for burning and only change if you get some sort of error and need a work around. As everyone that has seen my posts b4, I stick with the Shrink/Nero approach.
  4. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    I agree with mastaprk, don't burn all the way to the edge of the dvdr.
  5. Braxas

    Braxas Member

    Apr 16, 2004
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    Other thoughts. Is the DVD-Burner running in Ultra DMA Mode 2? To check go into the System Control Panel, click the Hardware Tab and click on Device Manager. Click the plus sign beside IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers. Right-click the controller your Optical Drives are on and select properties. Click on the Advanced Settings tab at the top and look to see what they are running in.

    If they are in fact Ultra DMA Mode 2 then what chipset are you using? If you're using a VIA KT133x chipset or a nForce chipset some people have (including myself with a KT133a chipset) reported better results using the standard MS Chipset drivers. To change them them in device manager do the following:

    1. Click the "+" beside IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers.
    2. Right-click on the VIA or Nforce Bus Mastering Controller below the primary controllers.
    3. Select properties.
    4. Click the "Driver" tab at the top.
    5. Click "Update Driver"
    6. Click on Install from a specific location (Advanced)
    7. Click Next
    8. Click on Don't Search. I will choose the driver to install.
    9. Click Next.
    10. Select "Standard dual channel PCI/IDE Controller"
    11. Click Next and follow the prompts to finish it out.

    Restart the computer after making this change and try again. The other option is to go to and search for a utility called Kprobe. Download and install Kprobe2 (for Lite-On drives to detect errors). Put in a recorded dvd. Your PI number should be set to 8. PO number should be set to 1. Your scan speed should be at 4x instead of Maximum. Click on the play button at the top to start the scan. Your PI should not exceed 280 and the PO should not exceed 32. If you do then the disc has some unrecoverable errors. The other thing is you can read the freshly burned disc back in DVD Shrink (The initial portion where it analyzes the disc fast) to see if Shrink gives you a CRC error. If it does then I'd consider that a bad burn and dump it. I would also recommend sticking with Ritek media. It should work wonderfully for the Lite-On. If you're using DVD+R media you may want to look into the Lite-On Booktype utility to change the DVD booktype from +R to DVD-Rom since your DVD Player just may be having issues reading DVD+R discs. Also make sure the discs are clean. I've found that caused some of skipping discs. hehe :)

    Sorry for the long winded post, hope I've been of some help.
  6. Synical

    Synical Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Thankyou very much Braxas. I used your knowledge and changed the chipset to the MS standard, d/l Kprobe and installed that... but the only problem is I have run out of DVD-R's. I went shopping but they all out of DVD-r, so i bought the Verbatim DVD+R. 100% all the way through in DVD infopro and Kprobe!! I used the DVDShrink burn method after decrypting them with 'Decrypoter...

    But only one problem now - it doesnt work in my DVD player. Prolly coz we got it when DVD players first came out. Dvd players produced these days are supposed to have high compatibility with just about anything (+ & -). Is this true? Maybe I should buy a new one.

    BUT, as I said I still have to purchase some -R's and pray that I get 100% with them, as -R's will work anywhere. I will update results by tomorrow.

    Thanks again.
  7. mastaprk

    mastaprk Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Newer DVD players will be more compatible for playing DVD-/+R's. I would recommend any newer Sony DVD player.
  8. Braxas

    Braxas Member

    Apr 16, 2004
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    If it's not starting the DVD then you're probably right that it's too old to read DVD-/+R's. One thing you can try since you got some DVD+R's is using the Lite-On Booktype Utility found at:

    Basically, you just unzip the file and it's a self-running executable. Extract it to somewhere (Even works from the desktop) and then open it up. You'll see that it says it's currently in DVD+R format and that it's going to be changed to DVD+R format. Click the Change... button and select DVD-Rom from the drop-down list and let it run in the background while you do your burn. This is only functional with DVD+R's, DVD-R's will not work with this program as they don't support the booktype settings.

    You also need the newest possible firmware from Lite-On's website installed on the 812S to use the Booktype utility. The Booktype utility will go as far as to tell you what firmware you have installed as well. Once it's burned then you can pull it up in DVDinfo pro and click the Media button - it should say: Booktype: DVD-Rom. It basically makes the disc think that it's a pressed DVD-Rom like you'd buy at the store.

    Hope it works out, how were your Kprobe results? I'm glad you also got a good burn off of it finally. DVD-Burners are very picky compared to CD-Burners but so worth it once you got them running right. :)
  9. Synical

    Synical Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Everything works now, thank goodness I was actually going to go out and buy a new burner and player :D My Kprobe results were within your specified limits, all 100% now and hopefully from now on. Thanks heaps for the Booktype program :) I hope others can benefit from your knowledge in the future :)
  10. Braxas

    Braxas Member

    Apr 16, 2004
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    Glad it's working now, Synical. I've spent the last month banging my head against the desk dealing with my LDW-451S and have learned lots from others. It's always nice to help other people with their Lite-On burners. It seems the Lite-On DVD-Burners are a bit on the persnickity side but they work great once you actually get them going right. :)

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