I got some DataLife Verbatims (the MCC ones) and I haven't had any of the skipping and jitter problems I had with my RITEK-F discs. I wish I would've known about them all along.
This is the place to come for the right info. I have never gotten a bad answer at AD. My son used to burn everything on memorex. I told him what I had read at AD about memorex and, at first, he didn't believe me. He believed all blanks were equal. Silly boy! Got him to do some reading here and he was converted.
and just in case you guys didn't know where to find out about more media and what's good and what's not, here's a media guide for you: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm use this free program to look up the manufaturer's id of your disk: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/dvd_identifier.cfm or you can use Nero's InfoTool, or DVDInfo Pro. the rule of thumb here is to buy [bold]Made In Japan[/bold] disk. the exception to this rule is Verbatim which can be made in Taiwan which is still top notch media!
I honestly prefer Fujifilm dvd-r I've never had any problems with them and they are a little cheaper than verbatim.
Fuji's for a long time were MIJ by TY, they were really good. Now they are made in Taiwan so I've quit buying them. Although it could be MCC making them like they do the Verbatims, anyone know?
i only use verbatim too.i catch the sales at best buy,16x dvd+r,best buy has them on sale right now for 14.99 for 50,happy burning ,,sale ends on saturday
One comment to this thread: "DUH!" Just kidding... Fortunately, before I started burning, I happened upon AfterDawn.com. This site saved me a ton of headaches and trail and error!
@brink...you should've tried the RitekG05's....i've burned a ton of them & none of them skip...I recently bout a 100 pack of TYG02's which also play fine...fuji "made in japan" dvd-r are usually TYG02's too...they hardly sell them around my away anymore though.
Also for DL burning witch i've been doing more of lately,, Verbatim DVD+R DL made in singapore is the best money can buy,,IMO