Can anyone help with my pvr box i've somehow lost all channels, done an auto scan the auto update is on but still nothing.......any ideas please ?
did you read up on nag.3 cos id say if you are loosing channels then its coming around your area, try and delete the channels and scan them back in, if that dont work then its the end of your box mate click HERE and read through the threads also read about the starview.6 and kryptview they will give you new life.
I dont think it's the end coz it was me that accidentally deleted channels by updating because my epg didn't work, now i think it's summat that i haven't done properly like them keys, all the channels seem to be there they're just not updating...cheers.
ahh i see here is a list of areas that have gone off and are going off, click here also enjoy your box while it lasts
Hiya mate, i'm convinced i have a firm ware problem, can you tell me what you're on and can i download it, think i'm on 4.5 but from june 2007.
latest firmware LIST but that will be no good to you as said above its the areas going down read up on kryptview or the starvi3w.6
Thank you very much for all your help, given up on the pvr now but need my sky back on can you recomend a box that will work ? read a little on both that you said but need pointing in the right direction to be honest, cheers.
its up to you to choose what box to get m8 its not a hard 1 either kryptview a780, or the starview.6 sorry i cant infulence you on what box to buy both are working in the uk