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Restoring Original XBOX Dashboard

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by C_SE, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. C_SE

    C_SE Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Hi all

    I have my XBOX softmodded and have upgraded to a 300GB hard drive. I am trying to enable 720p functionality and have gone through all the steps with Enigmah and also have the correct cable etc...

    Problem is that I no longer (or it appears this way) have the original MS dashboard on my XBOX so I am unable to complete the operation.

    A little background...

    If I turn my XBOX on by opening the tray I get to UnleashX Softmod Installer 4 N-Knave Edition.

    When I turn it on with the main power button it boots to XBMC (latest version I believe). Previously it was UnleashX and before that it was an old version of EvoX.

    I still have the old MS dash on the XBOXHD Maker disk that I burned ages ago. What I want to know is...

    1 - Can I FTP the old MS dashboard back to the XBOX to boot this as a .xbe in file manager, without having to softmod my XBOX again?

    2 - If so where do I copy these files to? I have dropped them into the E: and tried to boot them from there but I get "Error 21".

    I have tried putting them back in my C: but this just fried my HDD and I had to re-mod it again.

    I would like to be able to accomplish this without having to go through yet another softmod as I have fried it twice in the last few days and like the setup I have with XBMC and would hate to have to open the bloody thing up again.

    Thanks for any help, much appreciated.
  2. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    You can use the cheater softmod files located in my signature.

    You need to first determine your version of xbox and download the correct set of files.

    Use this tutorial to determine your xbox version

    Make sure you have one of the exploits on your xbox. You can download them at www.aidtracker.com and ftp the files over to E:/udata.

    Then you'll need to run the softmod installer from e:/udata. This will make sure you won't have any issues while ftping a whole new dash over to your xbox. If you're using the dash that you are modifying it could easily freeze and could complicate this process.

    Then ftp my files over, if there's a C then put the contents of my C in your C. Make sure you don't delete E:/udata or E:/tdata those are your saves and your way back into the xbox if anything goes wrong.

    When everything is done transfering power off the xbox using the power button and then power on the xbox again and the xbox should boot avalaunch. In avalaunch you'll see an option at the bottom named "microsoft dash". Just select it and you should see the ms dash.

    The rest is self explanatory. You can setup your games to run in 1080i and setup your dash to display in 480i or 480p. This way when you transfer files the screen doesn't show extremely small text.

    Anyway good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.
  3. C_SE

    C_SE Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Hi C4Rn1

    Thanks for your reply.

    To update, I bricked my XBOX again the other night by messing around with the files so I have had to restore the original XBOX dash (on the same 300GB HDD though). I am not using any of the action replay/Goldeneye/Splinter Cell save soft mods. Are these the cheater soft mod files in your signature?

    I can lock/unlock my HDD as many times as I like as I have XBOXHDM so this isn't a problem for me (although my PC died suddenly this week as well making things a little tricky for me at the moment).

    Anyway, as I said I can access the HDD through xplorer360 anytime I like and I have the latest XBMC and also UnleashX to create the G partition which I need. I have my original MS dashboard files also.

    What I want to do is have my XBOX boot to UnleashX (which I will put XBMC over the top of) when turning it on standard, and MS dashboard when I press open tray. I need to be able to access MS dashboard from XBMC through file manager so I can change the PAL/NTSC settings to enable 720p.

    So I have all the files, but I need to know what goes where? As at the moment if I run MS dash as an app all I get is a black screen and nothing happens and if I play about with the files I just end up bricking it and back at square one.

    Please help as this is starting to drive me a little bit nuts!!!
  4. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Just try it

    Figure out your version.

    Build an xboxhdm cd with my files.

    My C: in C

    My E: in E

    Your eeprom.bin in the eeprom folder

    Create the iso

    Burn the iso

    Start up the computer

    Unlock the drive with th eeeprom

    Build the hard drive from scratch

    When it's done lock the drive with the eeprom

    Put it in your xbox.

    It really couldn't be more simple

    When you get it working then we'll work on xbmc and the high def settings.
  5. C_SE

    C_SE Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    Hi C4RN1

    I checked and I have version 1.6. I downloaded your file and it only has a C folder, no E.

    Do I need to make a new CD with XBOXHDM? I have no blank CD's so I was wondering if I can just FTP them over to the XBOX or even copy them over with xplorer360?

    If so where do I put the EEPROM? And do I just create the UDATA and TDATA directories?

    Sorry if my questions are a little dumb, it was over 3 years ago when I last created the CD with XBOXHDM.

  6. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Yeah you can just use xplorer360 if you want. The eeprom.bin is only for locking and unlocking the hard drive.

    You can ftp them over if you load one of the exploits, that way it's not using the files from the modded dash that you're going to delete and replace.

    And it's fine that there's no files for E, it won't hurt anything. Just replace the contents of your C with my files and you're good to go.
  7. C_SE

    C_SE Member

    Apr 22, 2009
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    It bloody works!!!

    Thanks very much for your help, you are an absolute genius.

    Only problem is it's on the original 8GB HDD as my PC is buggered and won't let me unlock my 300GB HDD at the moment. As a temporary fix though I am chuffed and can just backup the files so that when I get my PC working I can chuck them on the other HDD.

    I managed to get the video settings changed with Enigmah so now the last thing I need to do is to get it to boot directly into XBMC. Can you help me with this?

  8. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Sure all you have to do is change the default.xbe file

    Use this tutorial

    Instead of directly replacing the default.xbe file you can just drag it to your desktop and rename it default.xbe.bac. This way you can easily change it back if you want.

    If you don't want to go through all the hassle you can just modify avalaunches xml file to have the option for xbmc on the top of the main menu.

    To do this ftp over your avalaunch.xml file.

    Right click the file and choose edit.

    Press ctrl+F and it will bring up the find window.

    Copy and paste this into the find window.

    <item presetname="File manager" function="FileManager" />
    Right before it you should see the end of the emulators list string.

    <item name="Xbox Media Center" path="E:\apps\xbmc\default.xbe"/

    Just paste this code into your xml file. Make sure the path is correct for your xbox.

    Now your code should look like this.

    <list presetname="Emulators">
    			<item name="Xbox Media Center" path="E:\apps\xbmc\default.xbe"/>
    			<item presetname="File manager" function="FileManager"/>
    Save the file and replace the existing xml file in C on your xbox.

    Here's a picture of what your menu will look like on the xbox.


    It's about that simple.

    I've had my xbox setup like this for about 3 years now.
  9. Sensei

    Sensei Newbie

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Hello! Just a new noob here.... I need some help, its been years before my xbox was in good condition.... Since its not being used lately, i got some E07 saying that I need service support... After that, i'm searching in google how to fix it and after i found a good answer, it says that some wires were not attached correctly... Maybe some of them are loosened.. I remove the ide cable connected in dvd drive, hdd and in motherboardand reattach it again and pressed it with a liitle bit pressure.. And then, i start my xbox and there's no changes so i bring my xbox to a technician to see if there is a really big problem... He said that my original hdd was corrupted/broken and the machine wont read the hdd... I try a other hdd (a pc hdd (80gb)) that I borrowed from my friend and after i swap the old hdd and connect the other hdd, it gives me a E16... Then i searched how to fix this error, but Im really really really confused what will I do.... I dont know if i will softmod it (dont know if my xbox is already been softmod)... I just want to play the xbox again... A good reply and help is appreciated! (Sorry for my bad english)
  10. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    A sofmod xbox requires the original drive ,you can't take another hdd from another xbox & make it work without first switching some files around from one to the other.However the best bet is go here.Search the forum first.Don't make any changes until you are able to get the eeprom of the hdd or the cpu
  11. Sensei

    Sensei Newbie

    Feb 25, 2018
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    so what will be the first thing to do? I've been searching for weeks but still don't know what will i do since some of the threads that I read is about softmodding.... My xbox is handled with care and i never do anything that may harm the software... Don't know about modchips so what will i do? I'd like to try the hexen and see if i can run it in xbox... I appreciate your help!
  12. lawrencejd

    lawrencejd Newbie

    Aug 19, 2019
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    HI mate, i accidentally insert software to my original Xbox i click in option says do you want to unlock the HDD i hit yes and my Xbox show error 05.... my Xbox modded without any chip...i read a lot on this error and i got lost in details, can you please help me out... i hocked my Hdd to my pc and copy All 3 and 4 C,E to my pc hard drive and also located the eeprom
    using xbox 360 software.

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