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WTB a PSP 2000 that is hackable

Discussion in 'Buy stuff' started by angeteen, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. angeteen

    angeteen Regular member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    I've tried looking around the game shops lately, but every single one of them seems to have the unhackable motherboard on them. If you have a PSP 2000, hacked or unhacked, that is in decent condition (no heavy scratches on the case/screen, but I am willing to accept a smudge or two), then I would like to buy it for around $80. I am willing to negotiate if needed, so if I sound like I'm trying to rip someone off, sorry. Also, if the PSP is not hacked, don't worry, since I plan on using a Pandora battery and a magic memory stick, I should be able to do the hacking myself if need be.
  2. zelda101

    zelda101 Guest

    See, that the problem the TA-88V3 Is Pandora Proof.

    That means pandora wont work..
  3. abe1975

    abe1975 Member

    Sep 14, 2009
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    I have a slim with unhackable motherboard and I'm still able to played CSO files on my PSP. I used ChickHen R2 and a the enabler to flash my PSP. The only thing i cant do right now is add custom themes to my PSP other than that Im able to play al sorts of games for free

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