Title pretty much says it all. I want an Xbox 360 that is not banned from xbox live and that has not been modded. Looking for one that comes with at least the powerbrick. Any Offers? Let me know. Thanks.
I got a console that just came back repaired from Microsoft. It has the full 3 year warranty. I'll include power brick. $150?
Sounds pretty good. Can you tell me a little more about it? How old is it? Does It have hdmi? and will you include anything other than the power brick with it?
Well it just came back from Microsoft repair and the fan broke since I dropped the system :/ so I sent it back and they will fix it. Otherwise, It has power brick, AV cable and non-hdmi console. I have a wired black controller I can include. It's a MadCatz controller and is missing the breakaway cable. I have no idea if it works or not.